Chapter 29: Fire & Facts

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Song: I'm With You by Vance Joy

People were scrambling around the inside of the wizarding hospital, desperate to get away from the wreckage. Hermione used her elbows to get through a wave of people. She felt Like a one man army trying to push through the crowd. The elevator was out of order, so she scrambled for the stairs.

All around her she could hear people warning her not to go up there:

 "Miss! It's too dangerous!"

"Fire is everywhere!"

"It's a like a war zone!"

Hermione ignored their comments and kept climbing the stairs. Every time she'd take a step fear would seep lower into her. What if he's not okay? What if he's hurt? What if he's dead? She quickened her pace and started to take two steps at a time.

When she got to the foot of the scene, she saw that the whole level was on fire and it was quickly spreading.

"Draco!" She yelled into the void.

She heard nothing but empty silence, Then she heard a voice in the distance call, "I'm here... I'll be there in a second."

Hermione ran further into the building, and quickly found him. He was fine, except for the fact that he might suffer from some second degree burns. There was someone on his back, a patient who had hurt his leg.

"What are you doing here?!" Yelled Draco.

Words came out of Hermione's mouth like fire, "This isn't the time to be asking questions, we need to get out of here!"

Both of them scrambled of out of there in the nick of time before the room was engulfed in flames. They would've apparated, but you can't apparate inside St. Mungo's.

Quickly, they made their way down the staircase, the fire was spreading to the stairwell. Eventually they made it to the lobby. Draco gently let the hurt man off his back. He thanked him multiple times for saving his life.

Draco turned back around to see Hermione, "What were you thinking? You could've gotten yourself killed! Who runs into a burning building?!"

Hermione crossed her arms over her chest, "I was worried about you. You could've died, Draco!"

Draco's angry expression softened a bit, "You ran into a burning building for me?"

"What do you think I just did? I can't just sit back and watch something like this happen. Especially when I know you're in there... I care too much about you to do other wise." She poked him in the chest, when she talked. When he flinched, Hermione immediately said, "Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's fine, I think I got some burns." He admitted.

Hermione looked around her surroundings, most people have already existed the premises. A few other Aurors had arrived to take care of the damage, "We should probably go, the other Aurors have this under control."

The two of them evacuated the hospital, found an alleyway then apparated back to Draco's apartment.

"On the bright side I probably won't have to go into work tomorrow." Commented Draco.

"Yeah," sighed Hermione as she mumbled a spell to summon some healing remedies from around the apartment, "Take off your shirt."

Draco's eyes perked up and he raised an eyebrow, "If you insist."

"That is where your burns are, right? On your chest?" Asked Hermione, as she gathered all the medical supplies he had.

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