Chapter 21: St. Mungo's

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Song: You and Me by Lifehouse

The next morning Hermione woke up with a huge smile on her face. She couldn't stop thinking about the night before. The more she thought it the more she grew to miss his lips on hers and his company. 

She even made breakfast for herself and Luna. Luna knew something was up when Hermione made her, her favorite breakfast, waffles and corn.

"Why are you in such a good mood?" Questioned Luna.

"I'm not sure," lied Hermione, "I Just wanted to make breakfast for my friend."

"Does this have something to do with you and Ginny having that fight yesterday?" Asked Luna as she happily started to eat her breakfast.

How does she know about that? She wasn't even here when it happened.

"Pansy told me about it," Said Luna, practically reading Hermione's mind. "I was at her flat yesterday with Theo."

"Oh," Hermione sat down across from Luna with her waffles, "But to answer your question, no, in not in a mood because of my quarrel with Ginny, actually, I'm just in a good mood. "

"Hmm... something's off here. I'll put my finger on it eventually. I bet the nargles are behind all of this."

Hermione took a sip of her water and muttered, "I don't think so."

Knock, knock, knock

Hermione abruptly stood up from the table, startled from the noise. is that Mal- Draco? She tried to tame her unruly morning hair with her hands in attempt to look more presentable. She opened the door to reveal Ginny standing there, a melancholy look on her face.

Hermione stood there for a moment, surprised and confused, "Gin- Ginny what are you doing here?"

"I came to apologize," said Ginny, sincerely, "I acted out of line yesterday... I didn't listen to what you had to say...I'm sorry Mione."

"It's okay, Gin." Hermione hugged her friend, "I shouldn't have left without consulting you first."

Ginny pulled away, sniffing he air, "Do I smell waffles and... corn?"

Hermione laughed, "Yeah, I cooked Luna and I breakfast."

"Hi, Ginny," Called Luna from the kitchen table.

Ginny walked through the threshold and into the kitchen, "Hey, Luna. Waffles and corn, huh?"

"It's actually really good. I like to put a piece of corn in between the little ridges."

"Why did you cook Mione?" Asked Ginny, "You hate cooking."

"Because I'm in a good mood that's why and that makes me love cooking." Hermione turned on her heels and used her wand to clean the dishes, she hummed a tune to herself.

Ginny looked over at Luna, "What happened to her?"

Luna shrugged and continued to eat her breakfast.

"What's wrong? Can a girl not be in a good mood?" Asked Hermione, as she continued to hum.

Ginny studied Hermione, then it came to her. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree and Hermione noticed.

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