Chapter 13: The Invitation

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Song: Talk To Me by The Outfield 

Luna will be home in one day, thought Hermione, Then maybe the two of us and Ginny can have a day to ourselves, we haven't done that in awhile. I've been spending so much time with Malfoy and his friends, I haven't thought about catching up with Ginny and Luna before right now.

Hermione was over at Draco's apartment, Pansy had cooked dinner for a change. Draco promised Hermione it would be leaps and bounds better than Blaise's cooking. It has surprised the Slytherin's how easily they've adapted to having a Gryffindor friend.

"I got to say Pansy your cooking is much better than Blaises," Commented Draco as he popped some Chicken Alfredo in his mouth.

"Why thank yo-" She stopped herself when she caught Blaise staring at her, "It's just so hard to live up to your standards sweet heart," She told Blaise.

"Yeah, I don't mean to brag but-" Started Blaise, he got interrupted by two people apparating into the apartment.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to apparating, I always feel sick afterwards," Said Lucius Malfoy as he dusted off his expensive robe. Narcissa did the same thing she looked as, elegant as always.

"You'd think he wouldn't apparate here as often, if he felt sick after doing so," Muttered Draco.

"What did you say Draco? My hearing isn't as good as it used to be," Asked Lucius.

"Nothing father," Answered Draco.

Narcissa poked her husband in the side and gave him a look that said where are your manners.

"Mr. Zabini, Ms. Parkinson it sure is nice to see you two... and Ms. Granger fancy seeing you here." Exclaimed Lucius.

They all acknowledged his greeting.

Lucius looked over at Hermione, he was surprised to see her there even though Draco has mentioned that she had moved in across the hall from him, "Draco told me you are an auror, are you liking that?"

"Yes, it's a lot of work, but I enjoy it," Replied Hermione.

Hermione looked over at Draco she could tell by the look on his face he was probably thinking the same thing she was, What are they doing here?

"Draco... Your mother and I are here to inform you that next Wednesday there will be a ball held on the anniversary of the battle of Hogwarts. You are supposed to attend, I've already owled in your RSVP," Said Lucius.

Draco looked at his cup, "Do I have to?"

"Yes, son," Confirmed Lucius, "Oh and bring a date."

"Great," Muttered Draco sarcastically, "I'll be there."

Narcissa tapped Lucius on the shoulder he turned around and looked at her, she tried to sign him a message, Lucious told Draco, "Your mother and I are trying to learn sign language."

"Really? What is she trying to say?" Asked Draco eagerly.

Lucius watched Narcissa try to sign the message again, "Okay, sweet heart try to do that a little slower next time."

Narcissa signed it once again.

"She said that you look handsome today Draco, and that she loves you."

A thin smile spread across his face, "I Love you too mum."

Lucius let out a long breath, "It was nice seeing you four," gesturing at everyone sitting at the table, "Narcissa and I should get going."

"Bye," Said everyone in unison.

A moment later Narcissa grabbed onto Lucius's arm and they apparated away. Moments later, everyone picked up their utensils and continued to eat their dinner.

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