Chapter Ten

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But baby running after you is like chasing the clouds


Zayn doesn't have much to pack. All his stuff got shoved inside a backpack, all but his weapons. Harry wouldn't allow it, and also, they wouldn't take it very good at the airport.

"I'm happy for you" Zayn turns to smile at Niall, "You're having a one-way ticket out of this place"

Zayn sits next to him, "Yeah. What about you?"

Niall shrugs, "Guess I'll just stay, do the usual"

Zayn tilts his head slightly, "You can come along" he offers but Niall seems uncertain, "Start a new life too"

"You're going to your family, Zayn. We don't all have this luxury"

Zayn rolls his eyes, "You're my friend, Ni. Besides, we're going to work something out ... Like, you must have wanted to do something other than this"

Niall smiles, "I wanted to be a singer, not a job, I know" Zayn was about to protest at that but Niall dismisses him, "I know how to play a guitar, can write some lines too. But, you know ..."

Zayn sighs, "We both know that this place is killing whatever spark is left inside people. Come along" he offers again. "My home town is ... well, not as bad" he chuckles. "I can't quite remember it, but I wasn't exactly the perfect guy you would meet out there"

The door opens and V walks inside.

"Going without saying goodbye to me? I'm disappointed" she fakes a gasp.

Zayn smiles and stands up to hug her. Despite everything that happened, and everything she'd done, she was still someone to rely on, someone who gathered him from the streets, and taught him pretty much everything he knows about fighting. He'd still lose to her in a one-on-one. She and Niall are the two people who he considered them as friends inside Paige. Despite her harsh attitude, she'd been the big sister around too.

Zayn's not quite sure if he had seen such genuine smile on her face very often. "I was just going to pass if I knew you were here"

"A word from me ... Don't come back"

"So much for missing me" Zayn mumbles as she pulls away to look at him. She's an inch taller, still having her hair up in a tight bun and wearing formal clothes. But her face is softer.

"I wish you a happy life, Zayn. Truly"

"You too, Viola" it feels weird to call her by her first name, but she nods at him in approval. And Zayn doesn't know why but he feels like she is a mother looking proudly at her son. He offers a wide smile. "Hope that you keep Louis under control"

"Oh! I'm not staying with Louis. He could do whatever he wants for all I care"

"Then, where are you headed to?"

She smiles again. That tight one that doesn't reach her eyes, a secret still hidden. "That is for you to not worry about" she squeezes his shoulders once then turns to Niall. "Been a pleasure meeting you, Ni. Hope you achieve your dreams" she smiles sincerely then leaves.

"She's a good person" Niall tells him after she's gone. Zayn turns and smiles. She is.


"So, you're going to carry on this ... job?"

"I don't really have a better field that I could fit in" Louis replies. "And it's better that way ... Us apart" he doesn't look sideways at Harry, he knows he can't have a goodbye kiss or anything like that, and he convinces himself that he'd go over it. "It was always meant to be. Fate doesn't change"

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