Chapter Eleven

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I'm gonna live like tomorrow doesn't exist


"I just need a place to stay the night"

Niall sighs stepping inside and allowing Zayn in. "Wanna talk about it?"

"We broke up" Zayn answers quickly before Niall could finish his question who in turn gapes for a second. He doesn't know who's at fault, but they both loved each other deeply. They just need time, so Niall just keeps his mouth shut.

Zayn flops on his couch, "I'll be gone by morning, you needn't worry" then closes his eyes.

"Okay?" Niall says uncertain. Zayn doesn't say anymore words so Niall lets him be.


Zayn is indeed gone in the morning. He didn't stay for breakfast, just thanked him and left.

It's not until a month later that he finds out that Zayn didn't go back to Harry, nor back at his family's house. He didn't even answer his phone when Niall called, but he'd send him a text after telling him that he's fine and was just busy.

What 'busy' Zayn meant didn't have an easy settlement over Niall. So he used his tracking skills to find him.

And his doubts were true when he found Zayn lying on the pavement at night, just outside an alley, blinking slowly at the sky.

"What have you done to yourself?" Niall kneels at his side checking for injuries.

"What time is it?" Zayn asks instead.

Niall sighs and glances at his watch, "10:30 pm"

Zayn clenches his jaw, "That bastard, shouldn't have stayed till this long" he mumbles and sits up.

"You're waiting for someone?"

"A reaper" Zayn answers sarcastically but Niall has a feeling that it is a fact. He turns to Niall and sighs, "Why are you here?"

"Checking on you. You're welcome" Niall mimics Zayn's tone making the latter roll his eyes.

"Never asked you to" he stands up and mumbles something under his breath. Niall catches on that and frowns. He can hear Zayn faintly mouthing 'Should've done it the old way'

"Where exactly are you staying?" Niall asks but Zayn doesn't turn nor stop, just waves his hand and continue walking. Niall sighs and follows him quickly grabbing his arm to make him turn, "You think this is going to solve anything?"

Zayn shrugs, "Don't care"

"Making more mistakes won't cover your old ones. Zayn, you should've talked about this, whatever it is. I'm sure the two of you could've worked it out"

Zayn looks down and stays quiet for a moment, "I am a mistake" he says quietly as he pulls his arm from Niall's grip and walks away.

Niall doesn't follow right away, not when Zayn's in this condition. He waits then follows him from a distant that Zayn would probably notice him if he was his normal self.

They reach a bar and Niall follows him inside until he passes over a guy in a hall that leads to private rooms. Niall sighs, he hopes his doubts this time isn't true as he approaches the man. He clears his throat when the man raises his brows, "I'm with Zayn, he just forgot something and I was about to give it to him"

"You can give that to me and I'll make sure it's delivered"

Okay, here goes the hard way. He glances around and quickly kicks the man between his legs and elbowing the back of his neck when he bends down. He runs down the hall once the man is on the ground. He is sure security is going to get him for that, but he can worry about that later.

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