Chapter Two

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"I like her," Luke laughed. "She actually got a rise out of you, and it was the good kind off rise."

"Anything new?" I asked him.

"Same as all the other crime scenes," he said scanning the room. "Black Rose on the victims chest and red roses on the table. No forced entry, three stab wounds to the lower abdomen and no weapon or finger prints other than the victims. This is getting old, wish the guy would leave something to pin him down with."

"Who was she?" I asked nodding to the coroner.

"Wendy Thomas," Luke said opening his notebook. "Twenty-six years old, recently engaged still trying to get ahold of the fiancé. Neighbor called the cops when the dog out back wouldn't stop barking."

"Where's the neighbor?"

"Tony's talking to her or front. Oh and Boss called said he wanted to see us as soon as we get back."


"Nothing," I growled throwing the file across the office.

"We'll find something," Luke said staring at the file. "BRK will mess up somewhere."

"How many more girls are going to die before then," I growled hitting my desk. "Eleven girls are dead, eleven families are broken. This bastard has to be stopped."

"Done with your tantrum?" Jerking my head towards the door I groaned when I saw the girl from earlier.

"Hi," Luke smiled standing up. "I'm Luke Davis, you are?"

"Angel Savage," she smiled bending down to pick up the papers I threw a few min ago before tossing them on my desk as I glared at her. "Whatever crawled up your ass needs to come out because your stuck with me until further notice."

"I definitely like you," Luke laughed. "I'm going to talk to boss, try not to kill each other while I'm gone."

"We don't need your help," I growled at her as she sat in the chair Infront of my desk. "So you can go back to wherever you came from."

"But you do need my help," she said. "While you've been looking over those photos I've been speaking with all of the victims families. Did you know every one of the victims was engaged for at least three weeks before the were killed and the proposal was made at the same place."

"Your point?" I grumbled.

"That's your connection," she said holding a piece of paper towards me. "Figured you would like to know, since you looked over that little detail. What Frank?"

"Lose the attitude," an older man said glaring. "Thought your were supposed to be on suspension."

"Not anymore," she smirked at the guy. "After all I am the best agent in our department, so you can shove your head up your fat, drunk ass."

"Angel," Boss said entering the office with Luke. "I'm glad your here. Sorry for the quick request."

"It's fine Lance," she smiled. "Although some people don't exactly want me here."

"You care about that?" Boss chuckled.

"Hell no," she laughed. "I can put everyone in this office on they're ass. Besides I was just sitting in my house messing with my old truck."

"The one that..."

"Yep," she shrugged. "I loved that truck. What's in the file?"

"Something I want you and Jack to run," he said handing it to her. "It a follow up on a case Hyde did before he died. Shouldn't be too much trouble."

"Sounds like fun," she smiled. "Let's go, I don't like being idle and this is going to be fun."

"I'm going to kill her," I grumbled following after her scanning through the file as we got in the elevator.

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