Chapter Six

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Pissed off I drove like a crazy person to the one place I can cause trouble and get away with it, Devil's Pit.

"Diablo, vodka ruso hacia arriba, (Devil, Russian vodka straight up.)" I said to the bartender. "Además, dicen demonio ángel quiere hablar, (Also, tell Demon Angel wants to talk.)"

"Sí señorita,(Yes miss)" the bartender said placing my glass in front of me and hurrying to the back.

"You don't belong in here," I said downing the rest f my drink before facing Jack. "So why did you follow me?"

"Make sure you don't jeopardize my case," he said glaring at me. "You shouldn't be drinking while your working."

"Well aren't you a hypocrite," I laughed. "You had whiskey in your desk and your lecturing me about on the job drinking. Go back to your stuffy office Mitchell, I don't want your bull crap."

"What would your family think about this?" Jack asked.

"You know nothing about my family," I growled grabbing the bottle of vodka from behind the bar. "What I do with my life has nothing to do with them or you."

"Señorita, demonio dice que no hable a menos que se lucha,(Miss, demon says he not talk unless you fight.)"

"Bueno,(Okay)." I chuckled downing the rest of the bottle before heading to the back with Jack following after me.

"Whatever you just agreed to doesn't sound good," Jack said.

"A fight between rivals," I shrugged pulling jacket off along with my shoes and socks. "Hold these after we can talk."


"What," I growled answering my phone while gripping Angel's arm.

"Found you sent the flowers," Luke said. "Goes by the name Salazar."

"Find out where..."

"Thanks Luke," Angel said jerking away from me. "I'll take it from here, keep searching for BRK."

"Yes ma'am," Luke said hanging up.

"Stay out of my fight," Angel said glaring at me before jogging up to a man in yellow boxing wraps on his hands.

Angel talked to him for a minute before walking over to someone who handed her some wraps.

"Quiet down," a short fat man said. "This is a treat, we have Demon and Angel fighting each other. Bets on on the table and you know the rules."

"Scared Angel," demon taunted as they circled each other.

"Hardly," Angel smirked. "You sent me flowers. Cute but not really into black roses."

"You know what they mean?"

"Death and destruction," Angel grinned jumping back when he threw a punch at her.

"Exactly," Demon laughed just as Angel grabbed his arm punching him in the face. They went at it for a while until Demon pinned Angel to the ground straddling her as she struggled to get lose.

"Damn it," I cursed running up to them pulling the guy off Angel.

"Who the fuck are you?" He yelled.

"FBI," I said and he punched me before running through the crowd. Cursing I ran after him only to lose once I got outside.

"Get in," Angel growled pulling up in front of me in her truck.

"Get in," Angel growled pulling up in front of me in her truck

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