Chapter Three

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"How in the world did you get all of this?" Luke asked staring at the big black board that now had a lot more written on it.

"I have my own ways," I smiled handing him a file. "I was doing some research last night and all of the victims have been proposed to at the same location. Down at the boardwalk, I'm heading there to asked some questions."

"Need help?"

"Nope," I said grabbing my jacket. "I should be back in a little while."

  "Where are you going?" Jack growled when I walked into the elevator."

"To do my job," I huffed rolling my eyes. "Figured you wanted to find this guy as soon as possible."

"I'm coming you," he glares and I shrugged walking over to my ride.

"Well get in," I snapped starting her up. "We don't have all day to stand around."

"What are we doing here?" Jack asked staring around the pier.

"All of the victims got engaged here," I said walking down the sidewalk glancing at all the shops. "It happened at the exact same location here, therefore it would probably be a good idea to check it out."


"We already checked this out and came up with nothing," I said glaring at Angel. "So this is a wasted trip."

"Not quite," she said walking over to one of the concession stands. "Hi, does that security camera work?"

"Yeah," the lady said. "Had it put in six months ago cause I kept being vandalised."

"I'm going to need a copy of the footage," Angel said. "I'm looking for someone and I'm pretty sure that he met someone here a while back about five to six months ago."

"You a cop?"

"Yes," Angel said the woman nodded handing her a disc.

"All the footage is on there, now if you'll excuse me I have work to do."

"Thank you ma'am," Angel smiled turning towards me. "I'm gonna grab some food before we leave, you want anything?"

"How the hell did you get that without a warrant?" I asked slightly angry and impressed.

"Ask nicely," she smirked. "I'll meet you at the car. "You sure you don't want anything?"

"I'm fine," I grumbled following her to one of the food stands and watched her order enough food to feed an army.

"Don't look at me like that," she snapped glaring up at me. "I'm starving and I'm sure Luke would want something to eat since it almost lunchtime."

"He can get his own damn food," I grumbled as we headed back to the office.

"What are we looking for?" Luke asked as we watched the security footage again.

"Something that doesn't look right," Angel said before slamming the laptop closed. "And we're not going to find it tonight."

"Now what?" Luke asked.

"Go home and get some sleep. We can watch it again tomorrow and see if we missed anything..." She sighed, "I'm tired and have a headache."

All of us got in the elevator headed to the garage, as Angel and I headed to our cars, since they were parked together, her phone rang. I watched as she paled slightly before hitting ignore.

"Who was that?" I asked and I watched fear and guilt pass through her eyes.

"No one," she said hurrying to her car. "See you in the morning, Mitchell."

Confused I watched her exit the garage. "What are you hiding?" I mumbled to myself climbing in my car.

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