Chapter Thirty-Three - "Timing & Captivation"

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I slumped back onto the deck chair, feeling the rays hit my skin again. In my head, I was thinking: I solemnly swear never to complain about the cold weather again.

“Could you pass me a bottle of water, Court?” Megan asked, her eyes hidden behind a pair of dark shades.

Courtney threw one of the large bottles sitting on the small table at Megan.

“Ow!” Megan yelled, and threw it right back.

“Hey!” Courtney exclaimed, sitting up, “You asked.”

“Chloe, can—”

“I’m asleep,” I murmured, pushing my shades onto my eyes. I felt a towel fall over my face and I chuckled.

It was the last day of our seemingly long weekend away, and we were spending it at Courtney’s dad’s apartment poolside. We’d had a full day of Disneyland the day before, finishing up at the beach, at some party that we just happened upon, but we left within twenty minutes; Megan kept sleeping off every time she sat down.

Honestly, heat or not, I was dreading going back to New York. It wasn’t about school; it wasn’t because I’d miss the laziness and relaxation; and it wasn’t because the weekend had been too short.

It was Fitch.

I know it’s dramatic, and maybe a little pathetic – hold the little. It was just the realization that he was right there, within reach, yet so far out of reach that made me dread New York. We hadn’t said much to each other, but everything I felt for him was heightened somehow, and it was all I could do to refrain from touching him; the thought of him alone sent me into such frenzied spirals, that I had to sometimes do a double take before I found my bearings.

He was haunting me, and somehow, still controlling all my reactors from miles and miles away. I didn’t want to go back, because I might have to face the harsh truth that we were done, or that he simply didn’t want me back. Despite the fact that I knew just how he felt about me. Honestly, his mind was a hard one to figure out sometimes.

“If you’re that hot Meggie, get into the pool,” Courtney said, drawing me back to reality.

My heart was racing.

“Oh, shut up.” Megan slid lower in the chair, brushing loose strands of her hair of her face.

“Pool, water, ice. Nothing helps,” I muttered.

“I wish I were bald,” Megan said, as she tried again, and failed to tuck her bangs away.

I burst out laughing, “Oh! The image!” I winced, as another towel was thrown at my face.

Courtney sat up suddenly, “I have an idea!”

“This should be good,” Megan muttered.

“Let’s go for that party tonight,” Courtney said excitedly, ignoring her.

“I thought this was some kind of a less-heat solution,” I said, with a raised brow.

“Come on, guys. I need a boyfriend; Chloe, you need a new boyfriend; and Megan needs a girlfriend,” she said chortling, and Megan threw a bottle of water at her.

“Not funny, Court,” Megan said, chuckling.

“Why do you think I need a new boyfriend?” I sat up.

“Exactly,” Megan muttered, “Did you see them on Friday? The air was palpable.”

I felt my face heat up, as I lay back down, “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I managed to say, as my thoughts had just gone right back to Fitch and his arms around my waist.

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