Chapter Thirty-Six - "Clink, Clink, Clink"

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I must warn you all - this is a long, descriptive & terribly terribly cheesy chapter. Just thinking about it makes me cringe. Bu-ut, it's necessary. This entire convoluted story is coming to an end, and in order to get there, certain ends need to be tied. So, I apologise in advance. Excuse the cheese. 

And of course, it's your prerogative to simply skip it.

As always, thanks for the support!



There is a moment – most times, just the one major moment – in your life when you find that one person who turns your world around. You share everything with them and they listen and they absorb all of you with unwavering interest. You share hopes, dreams, worries, fears and desires with them, and when the good stuff happens – the really good stuff – you just can’t wait to share it with them because you know that they will share in your excitement, without jealousy or envy. They cry with you, and they laugh with you, and they never make you feel like you aren’t good enough; in fact, they make you feel better than you actually are, constantly encouraging you. You can be yourself, and yourself when you are with that person is the best possible person you can be – the best part of you. Memories are more vivid, colors are brighter, you hear music even when it isn’t there, and even when everything goes wrong, just having that person – just knowing that they’re there – can make anything else seem trivial. You don’t always have to be talking; you feel content just having them nearby. Things that never interested you before become more fascinating because it interests them, and you make an effort to share in the moments that these bring. They are always on your mind, and you find that the little things like the smell of roses on a summer day, or the intensity of blue in the sky, bring them to mind. You open your heart and give them your all, and you allow yourself to be vulnerable, because it is the only way to truly allow yourself all the pleasure of a love that’s so real, it scares you immensely. You have a friend, a partner, a lover who sparks up desires in every part of you, and your only hope is that you get to have them long enough to show them just how much they mean to you, till death parts you, and even then, you remain as one.

Jacob Finchley. He was my moment.

If I had any doubts before – which I absolutely didn’t – there was not a doubt in my mind after our post-wedding party.

We sat at the small round table in front of the hall, and in front of all the guests, as the band strummed a soft sensual tune.

My dad stood in front of the hall, the microphone in his hand, “I’d like to thank you all for coming, first of all. I know we’d all have liked to be at the wedding,” he said, looking pointedly at me; I smiled, “but I’m glad that we get to share in aftermath and in the beginning of what I hope will be a very beautiful future. But first, let’s eat.”

The music progressed into a more vibrant tune as a number of waiters stepped in and around the tables, plates in their hands – the starters. My dad had organized the whole thing without my knowledge, and when we’d gotten back about ten days earlier, he had informed me that he was throwing me a party. I owed him that much, considering our elopement, so of course I’d agreed.

He’d outdone himself completely. The hall was stunning. With tulips on every table, the hall was done in soft creams – from the tablecloths, to the hanging sashes of lights in notches on the ceiling, making it seem like the twinkling stars in the sky had dropped a couple thousand feet. The band was in the corner, with the dance floor right in front. There were place cards, and menus, and a bar in another corner that stocked all kinds of alcohol.

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