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Hello~ ヽ(・∀・)ノ

Thank you for dropping by! -continuous bowing-

Welcome to my first Cellphone Novel [CPN]

What is CPN?

CPN, also known as Cellphone Novel, is a style of writing in Japan that consist of pretty short chapters (about 50 - 150 words). Click CellPhoneNovel for more information! They actually help me understand a lot more about this than I did previously.

The Sunflower in Winter
was a work which I had started as an undergraduate on TN but stopped halfway through because time was poorly managed. (╥_╥) Now, I am more than determined to see this CPN through.

So, it will mean the world to me if you can comment, vote and walk with me through this journey. I will love to hear your thoughts on it and also your views on how this piece of work can be better. After all, there's still so much for me to learn and improve on.

Many thanks

To my dear twinnie♥ (HirondelleMeirie) for inspiring me with her works and letting me rediscover my desire to write again.

To all my amazing readers who supported me in the past and current/future readers for reading my very first CPN.

Without further ado, I hope you can enjoy reading,

The Sunflower in Winter


The Sunflower in Winter [CPN]Where stories live. Discover now