Chapter 4

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"Good morning everyone!"

Like a magic spell,
a cheerful voice broke the awkward silence.

Like a magic spell,
the mood was turned for the better,
as if nothing had ever happened.

"Good morning Aoi!"
"Good morning Class President!"

A petite girl, with a short pony-tail on her head
bounced happily towards the back of the classroom,
flashing a bright smile at each of her classmates as they greeted her.

"She is so adorable!
I wish she was my girlfriend!"
"I wish I was just like her!"

The class started their chatters once again
But this time, there was nothing but praises and awe.

Everyone love the class president
It was hard not to,
especially when she has a personality that warm the hearts of many.

A kind hearted girl she always is.
Greeting every single classmate as always.

Every single one,
including him.

"Good Morning Kuro!"

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