Chapter 16

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"Thanks for the food."

Kuro mumbled

after finishing the last bite of his lunch.

Then he laid down on his back once again,

closed his eyes

hoping to get some sleep before the bell rings.

But a moment later,

he opened his eyes just a little

just enough to sneak a peek at the class president

who was enjoying her strawberry milk from the juice box.

Perhaps she is the only one who tries to understand.

A small smile escaped.

Ever since we met...

Back then...

And the gentle breeze eased him to sleep.




Omg, I'm so sorry for updating my story late >.<

I was so caught up with other commitments that I dozed off before I could update.

But here you go, three new chapters! 

The Sunflower in Winter [CPN]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora