Chapter 5

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The class sucked in their breaths
and waited

But there was no reaction from the guy
who had started looking out of the window beside him.

"I said, Good Morning Kuro!"

With a sigh, Kuro turned his head away from the window
and stared straight into Aoi's eyes coldly. 

"I heard you the first time, Class Pres"

Obviously unsatisfied with the reply she had just received,
Aoi stood firm, placed her hands on his desk and tried again.

"Good morning, Kuro!"
This time with an even louder and chirpier voice than before. 

"You're annoying"
Kuro grumbled before looking out of the window again.

Then with a voice soft enough for only her to hear, Kuro mumbled.

"Good morning, Class pres."

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