Chapter Twenty-Three

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A/N: I'm in the worst place. I love Gen with Dylan but I also love her with Daniel. What is lifee? I have finals today so I should be studying but....well, I'm here so that's how it's going to be.

Happy Birthday Jake Xx -Mel


{Genesis' P.O.V.}

"Happy October, by the way." Dylan said, squeezing me.

I laughed lightly, walking with him over to the baggage claim. "Happy October."

"Which means halloweeeeen." Dylan strentched out his words, sounding like a five year old.

"Are you okay?" I asked with a small giggle, finding my case and pulling it off the belt.

Dylan picked up the case from me, refusing to let me carry it. "I am just fine." He pointed across the large room towards an exit. "My car is out that way."

"Have you got two cars?" I asked, glancing up to him as we walked through the crowds of people starting to stare.

Dylan flicked his eyes around, "Quite possibly." Nervously, he put an arm around me. "Just ignore it, the best you can."

"Wh-" I winced, a heavy stream of flashes following. "Oh," I said quickly, moving in closer to Dylan's side.

A cluster of men in black suits pushed through the paparazzi and close followed around us until we managed our way out of the airport.

"I'm sorry about that." Dylan apologized, quickly getting us towards his car. "It always happens. Paps just hang around in airports hoping to get something."

I rubbed the crown of my head, trying to blink out the green fuzzy light hanging around my left eye. "It happened this afternoon too when Daniel and I got to the airport."

Dylan squeezed my closer to him as he kissed to top of my head. "I'm glad you're here."

I smiled, the flashes gone for now. "Me too."

"So, how was the flight?" Dylan asked, stopping us by a black camaro.

"Why do you have Derek Hale's car?"

Laughing, Dylan popped the boot and put my case in. "Only you, Gen."

"I thought you just had a driver here..." I furrowed my eyebrows, looking ffom Dylan to the car.

"The drivers are more of between the studio and our houses, but I felt like driving to get you." Dylan shrugged as we slipped into the camaro. "I just miss driving sometimes."

"Hollywood star problems." I teased, locking the seat strap into it's buckle.

"Ha. ha." Dylan dryly replied, sticking out his tongue at me as he backed out from the parking space. "Cute."

"I try." I cheesily smiled, crossing my ankles absently.

"So!" Dylan grinned, laughing at my last comment. "How about tomorrow? Is it even possible to wake you up before nine?"

I scrunched up my nose, "Maybe.."

Dylan rolled the car to a stop at the light, "Then i'll figure out a way to, but i've got to get to work at 9:30."

"Does Jeff need to talk to me?" I asked, glancing over at him as the light flicked to green.

"Yes!" Dylan excitedly said, "He's hoping you'll help write for season 5."

"Personally, i'd love to, but I don't know how that'll work with school plus that stupid book coming out." I rubbed my temple uncomfortably at the fact my work would be out in the open.

"Hey," Dylan squeezed my hand, "It's okay. That's the whole reason Jeff wants to talk to you, to see if you can make it work."

I smiled softly, returning the pressure back to his hand even though it was at least two times bigger than mine.

"I'm thinking we order in chinese and watch a movie." Dylan said, pulling the camaro into the garage of his house in Georgia.

"Definitely." I grinned, sending a quick text to my Mum about possibly writing for Teen Wolf.

Dylan tossed me the keys as he went to go get my suitcase. "Edmund will be happy to see you."

My eyes lit up and I nearly ran into the door as I unlocked it. Flicking on the lights, I whistled for Edmund. "Hey boy!" I crouched down in the kitchen, Edmund ran from upstairs.

"Any ideas for a movie?" Dylan asked, shutting the door to the garage behind him.

I tugged out my side plait and slid the hair elastic around my wrist. Rubbing behind Edmund's ears, I furrowed my eyebrows. "Dunno," Glancing up to Dylan, he held an odd look on his face as he watched me. "You okay?"

"Uh, yeah..." Dylan shook his head, "Sorry, yeah i'm fine." He mumbled on, setting my case down by the counter. "I'll look for a movie if you wanted to go put your pjs on."

"Yeah," I stood up from Edmund and picked up my case. "I'll be right back." Awkwardly leaving each other, I hopped up the stairs, thankfully remembering where the loo was from my last visit.

"How's The Guardians sound?" Dylan asked, his voice travelling up the vent purposefully.

I grinned, rolling my eyes at the goofy change he put to his voice. After pulling on my Super Mario Bros pj pants, I agreed. "Sounds lovely." I replied before exchanging my top for a black zip up jumper.

"Hurry uppp." Dylan whined at me as I put my dirty clothes back in to my case.

"So needy," I called, hopping off the second to last step down to the spacious sitting room.

Dylan grinned at my pants, nodding in approvement. "Very nice." He motioned over to the light switch, "Food won't be here for a little while, so we've got time." Throwing a big spiderman blanket over himself, he goofily smiled up at me as he was laid out on the sofa. Pulling back a corner of the duvet, he fluttered his eyelashes. "C'mon."

I slipped over to him as The Guardians started up and crawled under the covers with Dylan.

Dylan squeezed my middle pulling me against him as Jack Frost rose from the lake. Laughing lightly, he kissed my cheek before resting his chin on my shoulder to watch the movie.

Flushing heavily, I bit back a smile. Keeping his arms around my middle, Dylan played with my fingers as the movie went on. Out of everything, I just felt really important to him.

"I'm glad you're here." Dylan whispered in my ear softly, squeezing me a little closer to him.

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