Chapter Twenty-Eight

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A/N: Last day of February! Weird 0.o Currently writing in my Beacon Hills Lacrosse jumper with Lahey 14 on the back :) And holy mother of god 53k? Thank you all!! Xx -Melissa


{Genesis' P.O.V.}

"Welcome to Teen Wolf, Genesis."

I almost couldn't hear the happy outburst from cast and crew around, all of them clapping after Jeff made his announcement. I knew that it was a good chance i'd be working with them, but it didn't seem like it could've actually been real.

Dylan loudly cheered, winking over at me as he stood back with the Tylers and Daniel.

Holland was the first to come up to me, hugging me tightly. "I'm so glad!"

Crystal quickly joined, the three of us nearly tipping over as we laughed.

"Congratulations!" Crystal pulled away, grinning brightly. "This is so great!"

An idea hit Holland, a smile breaking out onto her incredibly gorgeous face. "We have to go out and celebrate!"

"I agree with that!" Keahu swooped in, putting an arm around my shoulders. "Congrats, Genesis." He said with a smile, giving me a hug.

"I heard something about drinks." Tyler Posey appeared next, the small circle seeming to grow. "Where are we going?" He asked me, pulling away from a hug.

"Can't say I know any bars around here." I admitted, this being one of the few times i'd been to Atlanta.

"Well I sure do." Hoechlin said, brightly smiling. "McRoy's, downtown."

Posey turned to Jeff who was looking over a paper with a studio assisstant. "Hey, Davis, when are you letting us free?"

Jeff rolled his eyes, "Maybe an hour or two. We need to finish up the episode and then you can all go."

Hoechlin clapped a hand softly on my back, "Drinks in your honour, then?"

I laughed a little, the entire situation making me feel as if I were on something. "Yeah, sounds brilliant." Glancing over Holland's shoulder, I saw Dylan and Daniel talking. Pretending not to feel a quickened pace in my chest, I continued talking with the people around me.

"Are we safe to announce this?" Crystal asked, holding up her phone in the air. "Give it a wirl around twitter?"

"It's okay, really." I said, timid of the idea.

"Oh, please." Ian got an approval from Jeff and took Crystal's phone, "Dylan, Daniel. Get your asses over here." He called, pulling them from a serious looking conversation. "Picture time to make it official."

Dylan patted Daniel's back, the pair of them coming over to join the photo. Squeezing in between Holland and I, he wrapped and arm around my waist and put one around Holland's shoulders.

"Everyone say Teen Wolf!" Ian suggested hopefully, having to take a step back to get Jeff and JR on the sides. He rolled his eyes at the silence. "Kill joys." Snapping the picture, he made a pleased noise. "Perfect."

Crystal happily moved from my other side, taking the phone from Ian. "I love it!" She cooed, smiling as she pulled it up to tweet. Tapping at her keyboard for a moment, she brightly looked up. "There we go!"

"All right, everyone." Jeff finally said after Crystal tweeted, "Russell is ready for scene ten, how about you all get back into touch ups and we'll go from there. I need to talk business with Genesis anyways."

Dylan stayed next to me while the crowd dispersed. "What would England say to this?" He asked, grinning down at me.

"I don't think she'd believe it. Any of it." I said, smiling up at him.

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