Chapter Fourty-Two

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A/N: I wrote an essay on why Brutus is the main protagonist of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and I'm hella proud to be honest -Melissa xxx


{Genesis' P.O.V.}

"There she is!" My mum's voice stood out to me, her smile as bright as I last remember.

I grinned as I spotted her through the crowd of people waiting outside the arrivals at Heathrow. Laughing as she came around to meet me the moment I got past the security tapes, I wrapped my arms around her and nearly let my suitcase topple over. "Hi, Mum." I said into her shoulder, squeezing her back.

"My beautiful girl!" Mum cooed in my ear, hugging me just a little longer before holding me out at arms length. "I'm so glad to have you home."

"It's good to be home." I didn't realize how brightly I was smiling until we were already headed to her car. I only knew because of how much it fell.

"What is it?"

I grabbed my mum's hand before we could get out the doors of the airport. "Mum, hang on."

She looked back to me, her green eyes focused with slight concern. "Darling?"

"The people out there." Through the glass doors there was already a gathering.

"Who, the ones with cameras?" Mum hesitated, her brown hair fluttering behind her as the automatic door triggered open. "Oh, my. They must be expecting you and Dylan." She looked back to me, "I'll bring the car 'round."

I bit down on the inside of my cheek and backed up from the door as Mum slipped past the camera crew to go grab the mondeo. "Bloody fantastic." I mumbled, checking my phone to keep my head down.

I don't know why I'd think that once I could go somewhere without Elizabeth letting everyone in the god damn world know exactly where to find me.

I felt a light tug on my hand that was idly near my suitcase. Turning, I had to look down to find the source.

A little girl with a long blonde plait was there with her eyes on me. She only reached my waist and she was swaying back and forth. "Hello."

"Hi." I kneeled down, just a little taller than her. "What's your name?"

"Valarie." Her eyes were big and doe like, blinking with a curious look in them. "Are you Stiles Stilinski's girlfriend?"

"Kind of. My boyfriend is Dylan who plays Stiles on telly." She couldn't have been more than eight. "Do you watch Teen Wolf?"

She shook her head, "No, but my older sister does. I just think he's pretty."

I grinned, laughing lightly. "So do I." I glanced over her shoulder, spotting a woman constantly looking to Valarie. "You must be from Leeds. What are you doing all the way out here in London?"

"We're flying to Greece to visit my grandparents."

"That's very lovely. I bet your grandmum and dad will be very happy to see you."

"Anna, will you go get your sister please?" Checking through her bag, Valarie's mum rifled through her bag for passports.

There was a slight groan before a seventeen year old with Docs came over. She stopped when she saw me, her eyes widening. "Oh, my f-"

"Anna, look who I found!" Valarie excitedly said, smiling like a devil.

I stood up, noticing Anna looked a lot like I did when I went with Daniel to one of his first movies when I'd never seen a famous person before.

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