Chapter 2

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I drink more, and when I've finished another vodka orange juice I drag Ainsley down the back steps into the yard. The pool area is lit with yellow lanterns, and there are Landor girls sitting with their bare feet in the water, sipping on frozen daiquiris. We dodge through Landor guys tossing a football on the grass and head through the sliding glass doors into the downstairs room. Here the music is loudest and there's plenty of space for a dance floor.

Ainsley and I are both in Cernette house, so we search for a few more girls from our house to dance with. We spot Josie and Kate and wedge ourselves between a few Landor boys so we can dance with them. I catch the eye of Toby, a Landor guy, who smiles at me before turning back to his friends.

Over the girls' shoulders I can see the Prisley guys lounging against the pool table. Duncan Forrester, their leader, is leaning comfortably with a pool cue in one hand and a beer in the other. He's even musclier than when I last saw him before summer, and he's shaved his head so his ears are protruding noticeably underneath stubbly black hair. Lucas is beside him, leaning over to talk to a girl. He looks up at me, catching my eye and raises his eyebrows at me, but then turns back to the girl.

Duncan catches his best friend's look in my direction. He nudges a few of his friends and the Prisley guys make their way in our direction through the dancing crowd.

'Better watch out, girls,' Duncan says, addressing Ainsley and the other Cernette girls. 'If Maisonwood gets too drunk she'll try to make out with you.' He shoots a smirk at me.

Before I can open my mouth to snap something at him, Toby pushes through and says, 'Hey man, lay off.'

'Oh, hang on now,' Duncan says. 'Since when do Landor guys stick up for Cernette girls?'

'They don't,' comes another voice, and I turn around to see Watson behind me. He places a protective hand on my arm. 'Fuck off, Toby,' Watson says. 'There's no need for you to play the hero.'

Toby makes a face and then falls back in line with his Landor guys.

'Well here we go,' Duncan says, grinning at the Prisley guys. 'Watson Langley steps in to save his little girlfriend.'

'Fuck off, Forrester,' Watson growls. Watson hates Duncan almost as much as I hate Lucas, and I can see him tensing, ready to throw a punch if Duncan makes a move. I'm worried about the pool cue clamped firmly in Duncan's thick fingers.

The rest of the party has sensed the unrest, and a few Cernette guys have stepped forward too. Senior year hasn't even started yet and I'm already sick of this house rivalry.

'Ooh, witty,' Duncan says. 'You've always been a smart guy, Langley. But you know I'm winning the dux award this year.'

'Yeah, good luck,' Watson says sarcastically.

'Why don't you shove that pool cue up your ass, Forrester,' I snap.

Duncan moves his arm, flicking the pool cue out, and instantly Watson launches forward in front of me. I drop my drink. Cernette guys pull Watson back, and Duncan laughs and backs off with his friends. I see Lucas give me a look but I scowl at him and turn to Watson.

'What are you doing?' I snap at my best friend.

'Me?' he exclaims, taking my hand. 'What are you doing? When did you get so drunk? And I thought you were done picking fights with Prisley guys.'

'Yeah, well, you don't have to come in and be my knight in shining armour,' I say. 'And you don't have to insult Toby for trying to defend me, especially when you've been making out with Taylor all night.'

Surprise flickers across his face. He drops my hand and runs his fingers through his brown curls. 'How did you know about that?' His tone is defensive.

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