Chapter 48

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Even though there's a professional photographer on site, there's something so real and raw about mirror selfies in a bathroom that makes it feel more poignant. All of the Cernette girls gather together in front of the basins, posing with corsages held high and pouts on. Ainsley and I take photos of just us as well. I have this swelling feeling of happiness, hugging my best friend and kissing her cheek and posing for the camera.

We're giggling as we leave the bathroom, Ainsley flicking through photos and me rubbing my lips together to even out my lipstick. I spot Lucas standing with a few Prisley boys, but Duncan isn't among them. I send Lucas a gentle wave when he looks up, and he smiles and waves back. Ainsley and I head back to our table, where the boys are sitting.

'What took you girls so long?' Watson asks, but we only laugh.

I take a seat next to Watson and put my clutch on the table. 'You boys having fun?' I ask the table at large.

'The dessert is almost here,' Watson says.

'Oh good,' I say. I glance up again to where Lucas is still talking with the Prisley boys. I hope he comes over soon. I like sitting next to him at the table, eating dinner in our formalwear. It feels like we're a proper couple. We don't have long to pretend to be this way.

There's an unfamiliar cough from behind me, and a hand is placed on my shoulder. But Lucas was only over with his Prisley friends a second ago, so it can't be him. I see Watson adjust in his chair, and I glance up behind me to see that it's Duncan with his hand on my shoulder.

He's got an unpleasant smile on his face as he addresses Watson. 'Congratulations on receiving the Monash scholarship,' Duncan says, his tone sickeningly sweet. I tense my shoulder away from his grip and look over Duncan to where Lucas is still standing with the Prisley boys, but now he's noticed our exchange. Lucas hesitates and raises his eyebrows at me.

'Thank you for accepting defeat graciously,' Watson says coldly. 'If you don't mind, we're having a private conversation.'

'Of course,' Duncan says, taking his hand away from where it was hovering near my shoulder. He pats down his jacket and then turns to leave.

A second later, Lucas comes over. 'What did he want?'

'He literally just congratulated me,' Watson says, sounding confused.

Lucas narrows his eyes and looks over my shoulder at Duncan's retreating figure. 'That's too weird,' he says gruffly.

I stand up and take his hand. 'Hey, don't worry about it,' I say. 'Let's get up on the dance floor before the dessert comes out.'

I lead him over to the dance floor, where a big group of Landor girls are dancing together. Lucas and I stop near the left speaker and he puts his hands on my waist.

'Em, I don't think we should trust Duncan,' Lucas says.

'Of course not,' I say, glancing over his shoulder to where the rest of the group is sitting at the table.

'I mean, when he came over before to congratulate Watson, what else did he say? I'm worried about it.'

'I know, it seemed odd, but that's all he said,' I say.

'But he put his hand on your shoulder,' Lucas says, and he moves his hand up my arm and touches my shoulder, as if he might find something that Duncan has stuck to my skin. My shoulder is bare.

'You say he wants to get Watson expelled,' I say. 'What could he possibly do?'

'Frame him for something,' Lucas says. 'I'm sure that's the only thing he could do.'

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