Let go

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" I've let go of a lot of people. People who weight me down and are pointless to chase after. If I meant something to them, I wouldn't have to keep running after them. Perhaps they were trying to get away from me or my presence meant nothing to them.

I've learn that my worth doesn't decrease just because of your absence. You are worth more then the people who think your worth less. My value doesn't decrease just because you don't see it.

So, I stopped chasing after them. People who want to be with you, will always find their way to you. After I stopped running, I gained a clearer vision of life. Most people were fake and our friendships were pointless . I also realised how much of time I wasted on those people thinking that they would do the same for me. But now, I stand alone. I see things clearer now then I was back when I was blinded by people that don't matter.

Lesson learnt . Be strong on your own.

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