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Deemed himself unworthy
Because of his lifestyle
As a street rat

He was scared
To tell her the truth
Not because he didn't loved her
It was because
He was scared

That she would hate
The real him
The reality he hated
About himself

He thought she deserved better
So he changed himself
To a prince
Fit to marry
A beautiful princess like herself

Little did he know
He was worth so much more
Than he thinks
He was the diamond in the rough

Every moment matters
For the princess he loved so much
Just wishes to be free
And to marry for love

She loved him
For the person
He really hated
To be

Be yourself
Because you need to be you
To show someone
What a whole new world
Really is

It's crystal clear
That it's a indescribable feeling
To be loved back
And never having to turn back
Because it's a beautiful world

Out there
For you & for me

Belgium Nights is #40 in poetry! Amazing! This piece was inspired by my favourite disney movie Aladdin :D

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