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"I once had everything. Someone that came by and said hello and that hello somehow filled the empty void in my heart. He filled it to the brim, by the simplest of things. By listening to what I had to say even when the world told him otherwise about me. He never had a doubt about me, about us. At 3am, what was sleep when hearing your voice was all that I ever wanted? It felt like a dreamy paradise that the heavens blessed me with.

When I met you, all the wounds I had slowly healed every time you smiled at me or when our hands were intertwined. Maybe the pain I held in my heart went away because you were all I ever thought about day and night.

All good things come to an end they say and that's when you left me. I can't never describe how empty I felt when you were gone. I lived with grey skies for a long period of time as I grew to realise I gave up the most of me to you. 

The moment I lost you , I lost myself too. If only I had not loved you more than you did for me, maybe I'll have more pieces of me to hold onto.
You were my everything to only leave me with nothing."
- lost

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