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You aren't not worth my poetry and I'm glad I left you behind. I saved myself from loving someone who never felt the same way about me or saw the flames in my eyes whenever I talked about something I'm passionate about.

I saved myself from watching you reel in your next bait after me because you never really appreciate the hidden art inside of me or embraced my dark aura that supposedly was the thing you had to love the most about me because when you really love someone, you love their flaws as well but you didn't . You overlooked it, pretended to accept me & left in the end.

I'm glad I'm over you. I'll never have to breathe through my intoxicated lungs and carry your lies in my aching bones. And one day when the same thing happens to your daughter, then you'll realise that you are the man who made her cry & hopefully you'll remember me from that. I'll be your biggest regret & you'll be your daughters biggest nightmare.
This is a long one!

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