Chapter 3

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                    I go back to my cabin wondering why Annabeth was behaving differently around me. It was my first time to see Annabeth behave like a girl, otherwise she is very tough and I have hardly ever seen her doing things which mostly girls do, like wearing make - up, heels, dresses, blushing, etc.

I enter my cabin and look at the welcoming bed and realise how tired I am. Forgetting about Annabeth I jump into bed and as soon as my head hits the pillow I fall asleep.

Next morning, I wake up late. My eyes flutter open when I feel the warmth of the sun of my face . I sit up yawning, glancing over at the clock I realise it is three o'clock in the noon.

I shower and change my clothes and leave for the Pavilion to get myself something to eat. After having my food I go to meet Chiron to inform him about my arrival as I forgot to inform him yesterday. By now it is almost five thirty in the evening  and the sun is slowly fading in the sky. I love watching the sun setting.

On my way back, I realise that I had almost taken the whole tour of the Camp but hadn't come across Annabeth anywhere. You would usually find her at archery but she wasn't even there.

I visit almost every place in the Camp (except for the cabins) and start wondering, Where could she be?.

Just as I am heading for the Athena cabin I bump into somebody. It is Malcolm who seems to be in a hurry.

"Ohh, Hi Percy!"

"Hey Malcolm,"

"Weren't you back home for vacations?"

"Yes, apparently I was but I decided to come back,"

"Ohkay, See you later Perce, Gotta go,"

Just as he is about to turn round the corner, it comes to me that he might know where Annabeth is..

"Aye, Malcolm" I shout

"Do you know where Annabeth is?"

"Yeah, she is in our cabin, this morning I found out that she had high fever and a very sore throat," He replies, smirking at me.

"Uh.. ohkay.. Thanks"

I walk towards the Athena cabin, confused at, Why he was smirking? But why should I care about him now, my only concern was that was Annabeth ok.


                  GREAT! Now I have caught flu. I have to stay in bed and stay in bed until that bloody Will ( no offence Will )
gives me permission to come out of bed. What for is he taking revenge from me? What did I ever do to him? I want to get out of bed, I want to spend time with Percy before everyone returns. Why does this happen to me? Why did I have to fall ill? I groan inwardly. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Come In," I say hoarsely.

Percy walks inside with a look of concern on his face.

"How are you, Wise Girl?"

"Nothing ...just...Atishooo....caught....Atishooo...cold" I reply.

"Bless you, do you still have fever?" He asks placing his hand on my forehead.

"Yup, I do" I reply and hide my face inside the blanket to conceal my blushing cheeks from him.

"Aren't you bored of staying in bed since morning? Why not let's go outside and breathe fresh air? Maybe it will make you feel better." He says pulling the blanket off my face.

" I would love to but Will won't allow it.." I reply sadly.

" Well, I bet he wouldn't mind as long as you're taken care of"

"Ok" I reply.

He helps me get out of bed, and wraps the blanket around me to protect me from the cold breeze. He then carefully leads me outside, making sure I didn't trip on anything.

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