Chapter 8

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I walk back towards the infirmary only to find Percy's bed empty, I look around for Will to ask him where Percy is but nobody is there. After waiting for fifteen minutes I leave back for my cabin,  when I bump into Will.

"Hey, Will have you seen Percy?"

"Yup, I allowed him to go back to his cabin, actually I had gone to leave him to his cabin only, He is recovering quite fast but he has to avoid walking to much as the wound he received in his stomach has yet to recover," Will says updating me about Percy's condition.

"Ohh, Thanks Will, see you later"


I go back to my cabin, shower and change my clothes to the orange Camp Half Blood t shirt and shorts, I comb my hair and go outside. I meet Piper outside Aphrodite cabin holding her nose as if she had smelled something disgusting.

"What happened Pipes?"

"First of all it is Piper, and the reason for me holding my nose is that having to live in the Aphrodite cabin you have to smell to many strong perfumes at the same time," she said scrunching up her face.

"Ohh of course," I say giggling at her expressions.

"Anyways where are you off to? Can I join you?"

"I was going to visit Percy, because Will just told me that he shouldn't be walking to much because of his wounds so I was going to ask him if he needed something, and yeah sure you can come along"

We talk on our way to the Posiedon cabin, I knock at the cabin door but nobody replies so I try to open the door noiselessly, the room is pitch black and all I can hear is the gurgling sound of water from the fountain, and Percy's snores, I quietly close the door and look at Piper who for some reason looks confused.

"What happened?"

"I think he was tired and he has fallen asleep,"

That's when we hear the horn blow for dinner and we head for the Pavilion, after having my food I grab an extra plate for Percy. I step inside his cabin, due to the darkness I can't see anything and twice I almost fall over something. Finally when I reach his bed  I switch on the lamp, and shake him he mumbles something and goes back to sleep I shake him again but still no response, so I empty a bottle and fill it with water from the fountain and dump it on his head he sits up his eyes wide open in shock, looking at his reaction I double up laughing which confuses him even further,

"Annabeth what are you doing here?" He asks surprised.

"I figured you had been asleep for quite a while now and you didn't eat anything as you missed Dinner, so I brought you food plus, Piper wanted to meet you,"

"I was very tired so I fell asleep, and thanks for bringing me food" He eyes the food and quickly starts eating.

"I'll go and call Piper then..." I say unsure of what I should do.

"Umhmm " He says unable to speak with all that food stuffed in his mouth. I leave him and search for Piper , I go to the Aphrodite cabin and knock, one of the Aphrodite girls open the door and all of a sudden different kinds of strong perfume scents rush up my nose making me choke ( now I seriously understand Pipers behaviour and feel sorry for her to share cabin with such people)

"Is Piper in there? I ask that girl.

"Nope, she hasn't returned since dinner," She replies. I thank her and leave. Soon I come acroos Pipers chocolate brown hair but she seems to be in a deep conversation with a boy
close-cropped blond hair.

"Hey Piper!" I shout from my spot. She looks around at me and the boy also turns his head whom now I can recognise is Jason Grace.

"Hi Annabeth,"

"Ohh hey, Jason when did you get here?"

"I was busy at Camp Jupiter but as soon as I learned about the attacks at Camp Half Blood I wanted to come here as soon as possible and knowing that Percy was soo severely injured I rushed here,"

"Oh anyways I had just come to ask Piper if she would like to meet Percy as he just woke up, would you like to come along Jason?"

"Of course" together we walk towards the Posiedon cabin.

"So how long will you stay here Jason?" I ask.

"Well I have taken permission to stay here as long as I want, and I want to stay here at Camp and protect it from further threats," He replies. I knock at the door.

"Come In," we walk in the room to find the room empty but soon enough Percy walks out of the bathroom.

"I didn't know you were coming Jason,"

"Well as soon as I learned about the attacks I couldn't stay at Camp Jupiter and came here. How are you by the way?"

"Still in the process of recovering, but at least not dead,"He says looking at me and I know that the last two words were pointing to our conversation in the infirmary, and I look down as I know I am blushing.

"What do you mean not dead?" Piper asked,

"Oh nothing, leave it" says Percy and climbs back into his bed. We talk for some time and listen to different stories from Jason about Camp Jupiter and then Piper and Jason leave, and I am left alone with Percy.

" I think I should go now" I say not sure of what to do.

"Okay, but is it something important that you need to leave?"

"Not really I thought maybe you would want to continue your nap"

"Nah, I am not sleepy anymore, if you don't mind can you stay with me for some more time?" He asks nervously.

"Obviously Seaweed Brain I wouldn't mind," I stay for an hour more and we talk about different things until my eyes start drooping, I leave for my cabin and fall asleep instantly.

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