Chapter 11

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The presence of everyone around me the whole time is so comforting that I actually almost forget the situation we are stuck in. Frank and Hazel leave back for Camp Jupiter as they had already enjoyed their holidays. Their departure left only four of is, which meant our usual party was over and it is hard work time, cause we have been on a long leave from our lessons.

Percy, I , Jason and Piper head for the archery lessons. Piper is in a pink tank top, with a plain white jacket,  white shorts and pink joggers. I look down at my clothing which is a white t shirt saying "Don't mess with me" paired up with a black jacket and black jeans with blue joggers. I know that I don't have much of a dressing sense but who cares because I am the daughter of Athena and not Aphrodite. Even though Piper is the daughter of Aphrodite she very much doesn't seem like one, she likes to keep it casual and hates make up and too much perfume unlike her siblings, even  though I just love the way she dresses.

Anyways, after archery I am really tired but it's only 2 in the afternoon. Unable to think what to do I go back to my cabin pull out a book related to architecture as it is my favourite field and start going through it. The cabin is empty as all my siblings are most probably enjoying the pleasant  weather or practicing archery. Eventually, tired of reading I walk towards the windows and look outside to find Campers talking and laughing. I sigh and walk towards my wardrobe and pull out a t shirt and a pair of shorts, and head off to take a bath. I walk outside and decide to go and meet Grover, I find him talking to Juniper about something and he looks really pleased. I didn't want to interrupt their conversation so I stand and simply wait for it to finish. I walk up to him and nudge him.

"Hey Grover! What are you so pleased about huh?" I ask him.

"Hey Annabeth, I am actually really happy you know because finally I have been assigned to a proper task rather than the usual going and looking after demigods you know" He comments.

"That is wonderful Grover, was that what you were telling Juniper?"

"Yup" He says and then frowns.

"Is she not happy about it?"

"Not really, she says it is too dangerous and I should reject this offer but this is the first time I am ever getting to prove myself so why should I reject? Anyways, I told her I couldn't she seemed sad about it but I know later she will realise how important it is for me"

"Ohh ok"

"K bye Annabeth I need to go so will catch up with you and Perce later"

"Byee Grover"

He then walks off leaving me all alone knowing not what to do next. I then walk up to chiron who is trotting away from some camper whom he was previously talking to.

"Hey Chiron!"

"Hi Annabeth"

"Haven't any new demigods turned up at the camp lately?" I question.

"Well yes lately there have been some new arrivals, one of them as you may know is Rachel Elizabeth Dare even though she is a mortal but she knows about us and is a friend of Percy, and there is a new demigod who was recently claimed as a daughter of Aphrodite," He explains to me.

"Oh well that's good, the more demigods come the more stronger our army gets!"

"I am afraid you are quite wrong at the part of out army becoming strong as for these new demigods it is hard to train them and time consuming to, along with the fact that they are new to this environment and fact" I very much agree with this fact and smile up at him and simply nod at him. Mr D walks up to us.

"I've been looking for you Chiron, oh hey there Annibelle"

"First of all I am not annibelle I am Annabeth for the hundredth time!" I exclaim.

"Oh who cares, chiron I want to see you in my office in five minutes!" And walks of. Chiron looks at me and sighs and follows Mr D to his office. Malcolm walks up to me.

"You seem to have been very busy these days"

"Well yes Malcolm and I pretty much enjoyed it, what have you been up to?"

"Nothing much actually have been worried about you"

"Worried about me?"

"Yes you, have you even confessed your feeling to Percy?"

"Um noit's just that I am scared that this confession might end our friendship forever and I don't want to lose him"

"Listen Annie I am pretty much sure he has the same feelings towards you like I have said before and even if he doesn't I know he wouldn't end the friendship between you and himself"

"Well thank you for comforting me but I will keep the confessions for later given the situation" He sighs and nods at me and together we walk back to our cabin.

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