Chapter 5

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                       I awoke with a start after hearing a loud bang, I looked around and saw that Malcolm was also sitting up on his bed, looking sleepy but alert at the same time. He got up and left the cabin to see what had happend. I being who I was stood up and followed him, but he stopped me and asked me to go back and not come outside until I was called.

"But what happend Malcolm?" I asked

"The camp is under attack, now go on inside"

"But why? I can fight them to, why are you asking me to go In side?"

"Listen Annie, you are to weak to fight, now follow my orders and go inside"

Seeing that there was no point of arguing I went back inside, though I felt angry at myself for falling ill at such a time. Knowing that there was a battle going outside, and not many Campers were there to fight the enemies, and I was sitting here waiting for the news of defeat,  I got up and left to fight.


                  I saw Chiron trotting over and giving instructions to all of the Campers ( whom were present at that time ) I followed him and asked for my position he told me to go and help Malcolm fight Kronos ' s army by Thalia ' s tree which shields our Camp from intruders.

Unfortunately when I reached there, Malcolm had come face to face with Arachne. Being a son of Athena he had the fear of spiders and was backing away. I fought Arachne and passed Riptide ( a.k.a Anaklusmos) through her chest. She crumbled to dust. Malcolm had moved on and was fighting with someone whom I couldn't make out in the dark.

That moment I saw it, I saw Annabeth was laying on the floor blood pouring from her forehead where she had been cut, and I realised that Malcolm was fighting Luke who wouldn't give way to him to reach to Annabeth. I heard Luke saying..

"Aww look who has got hurt, Ohh isn't that one of your brave soldiers, Annabeth"

I could have killed Luke for even saying her name but a minotaur appeared in front of me. As soon as I had killed the minitouar I ran towards Annabeth.

I carried her to the infirmary in my arms. Already she had lost to much blood. As Will took care of her I sat outside praying to the God's that nothing would happen to Annabeth. The battle by this time had ended and Kronos's army had returned. I sat and waited.


                         As soon as I came outside I ran toward the barriers shielding the Camp. The first person I came across was Luke. Before I knew anything he attacked me,as I was weak from before, my approach is slow which is why it was taking me longer and I couldn't take him down. If only I was well I would have done this easily enough. For an ill person I still fought bravely but I knew my strength wouldn't last long and suddenly Luke changed his position and his sword moved in front of my eyes. I felt a piercing pain in my forehead before everything blacked out.


                 I sat about an hour or soo before Will came and informed me that Annabeth was out of danger but was asleep due to the nectar.

Not many people had been injured as this attack wasn't meant to take lives but just warn us Campers. I went and sat down next to Annabeth and told Malcolm to go and rest as he wasn't looking well himself.

I fell asleep in the chair next to Annabeth that night in the infirmary, and was awoken the next day by Will. It was early morning, and Will asked me to go back to my cabin as he would be there if Annabeth needed anything and plus I needed sleep.

I went back to my cabin and fell asleep. When I woke up it was nearly lunch time,and most of the Campers had returned after hearing the news. I carried my food to the infirmary and went and sat down next to Annabeth who was still fast asleep.

Annabeth woke up three days after the he attack till then I didn't leave her side. Her health seemed to be progressing and she was getting better. Her fever, flu and sore throat were fine by now and her weakness had gone with a flash, she seemed like her old self again.

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