Once Upon An Asshole

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More of a teaser, 'cause I gotta go. VOTE PLEASE! I'm DROPPING PLACES!!!!!!!!

PS. Banner By epicdisney (:


My mate was kissing her.  My mate.

Our mate, my wolf howled, angriliy snapping at the bit.  Betrayel.  Anger. Hurt.


Yes, okay, this hurt, a lot.

Luke moaned, deep in his throat as her hands began to undo the button of his jeans.

I can't believe I let this asshole mark me.

I can't believe I fell for it.

I stood there alongside Emily, who was nervously glancing at my face as I fumed.

That asshole.

I'd be hurt later, right now I'd settle for being extremely pissed off.

"Well, this looks cozy."  At my voice, Luke's head immediatly swung up from hers, and his eyes met mine over the girls shoulder.

"Ally, I-"

"Save it Luke," I laughed. "Don't even bother.  I will be out of your hair by this afternoon.  Thank god I found this out early enough, before I threw away my dreams for you.  Have fun with your slut, you asshole."

With that, I spun on my heal, knowing very well that the sharp crack I heard echoing from behind me was Emily's palm meeting his cheek.  Hm.  At least someone was loyal.

"I'm so sorry Ally, I just didn't want you to see that!  Don't be mad at me, this doesn't seem like Luke, he would never do that, I just don't understand.  Don't be mad at me please," Claire cried, scampering after me as I headed back towards the house.

"I'm not mad at you Claire," I said softly, "You did nothing wrong."

With that, I headed off to the house, leaving an angry set of twins to take their fury out on their brother.


My bags were slammed shut full of assotments of clothing that I liked from the closet, accompanied by my photography equipment. 

I left Luke's shirt flat out on the made bed, with the poloroid photo of the two of us ripped in half in the center of it.  The ring he had given me when he woke up was set on the night stand, with a note.

It was a simple note, with two words.

'Fuck.  You.'

And now I was walking out.  Or, well, I was about to, until a sweaty, panting Emily came barging in, hands up in defense.

"You can't leave!" she panted, barraging the door.  "Michael is after you.  I understand that you're extremely pissed off at Luke, and I don't expect you to ever speak to him again, in fact, please dont, make him suffer, but you can't go off on your own.  The second you step off our land, you're as good as dead."

"I'm not staying," I said slowly, attempting to move around her.

"No, no way.  You might be angry and hurt and pissed, but you're not stupid.  You can room with me, so that he doesn't try to get near you. Think about it, you can get back at him."


"You'll be living in the house, there for him to see everyday and to remind him of his mistake, and yet, he won't be allowed to come near you."

"I'm not out for revenge," I mumbled, folding my arms over my chest.  No tears had been spilt yet, I couldn't find it in myself to let my feelings out right now.

"I know you're not, it's just an added benifit.  You're my sister now, despite what my asshole of a brother did, which, by the way, is not like him.  He told Aunt Lily that he was going to marry you, he wouldn't throw that away."

"But he did. In seconds."

"We're going to find out why though, Ally.  You love him, admit it.  Despite everything he just did, you know he loves you more than anything."

"Fine," I sighed, setting my bags on the ground. "I know he probably has a sound reason, but..."

"But he still hurt you, I get it." Emily murmured, stepping forward to wrap her arms around me, just as the first tears spilt out.

"You're brother is an asshole."

"Yeah, but he's your asshole," she whispered.

Cliche, but true.

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