Final Note.

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Oh. My. God.

Okay, before I drabble on about the fact that ISTA IS OVER, I am getting down to buisness.

First order of business: a sequel.

Okay, so many of you have asked about whether or not there will be a sequel to ISTA, and there will be, sort of. Ally and Luke's story is over. I can't continue it without drawing it out, and frankly, I think that may ruin ISTA as well as the sequel. Ally and Luke's time is finished in this novel, and I tried my best to do them justice. I don't want to ruin that work, or drag it out; it's time for them to live the lives you imagine for them.

In regards to the sequel that I will be writing, many characters appeared throughout the novel that I am going to build on. I had a lot of fun coming up with an original plot and characters, so, I'm going to work on making it better.

I always found it irritating when some sequels never were up to par with the first one. It ruined the first book for me. And sometimes I just wanted them to be done, you know?

Ally and Luke aren't gone forever though, they will pop up in my next books. I wouldn't leave you hanging completely with that epilogue; I'm not THAT mean. Therefore, the next book will start from the moment that the *duh duh duuuuuh* parents arrive.

This means that someone will be there watching. So yes, you may have guessed it already, but my next book will be the story of Emily and her troublesome mate. Secrets of Emily's deviousness will be revealed. The struggles and triumphs will be finally on paper!

First chapter of this new novel will be up tomorrow, if not tonight.

Titled: Burn Me.

In summary: I have a lot of writing left. :)

NOW, I can be over dramatic.


I Saved The Alpha, is the first book I have ever finished in my entire life. I am so happy with the feedback you guys gave me. From those who have been with us on the journey from the start, and those who joined later on, you guys are absolutely the best fans anyone could ask for.

I was always up, checking Wattpad just because I wanted to read the comments!

You guys put up with my willy-nilly updates, and my excuses, and I love you for that. You've all made me see that I need to work on my updating skills ;) and I will. I'm sticking to my promises from now on.

I never had an appreciation for Werewolf stories until I started this novel and realized just how difficult they can be, and I thank you guys for the eye opener.

Ever comment I got, whether it was about how you loved the characters, or how you wanted an update, made me so proud to be an writer. Thank you so much guys. I can't say enough how much your dedication meant to me.

I'll be editing this story, responding to all the comments, and the wall posts as well. But after this note is up, it will be marked as complete.

Oh my God, amazing. Absolutely amazing. My family isn't even going to believe that I finished this book.

I thank you guys for every single read, every vote, and every comment. They mean the world to me.

AHH! I'm actually so sad yet so happy right now. It's really a weird feeling.

It's so weird to think that I don't have to update this story anymor. Ever. There are so many little one shots that I could do... Keep an eye on my 'one shots' story because I'll start posting some there. I'll just actually put notification as to when a one shot is going up in my new book, and on my wall :)

I love you guyssss!

This is me, signing off.

I'm going to cry.

Ceilidh. Xx.

I Saved The Alpha. (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now