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Hey guys... Sorry for the extremely long wait, everything just caught up in my life at once and ... yeah. For lack of a better phrase, shit hit the fan. Anyways...

Read, comment, vote, enjoy! (:


Websters dictionary defines 'family' a united group of people living under the same roof. defines 'family' as any group of persons closely related by blood, as parents, children, uncles, aunts, and cousins. Urban dictionary defines family as people you love and love you back, not neccessarily blood or biological, but you trust them and they trust you, and they take care of you and you take care of them. Funny how none of the above define family as full of backstabbing, conniving, evil little bitches. Not a single referance defines family as repungant, untrustworthy, and cruel. None of them, not even Urban Dictionary, could've prepared me for the sight of my sister, the youngest of the two twins, standing in front of a different pack, looking furious. None.

Taking in the mixture of unfamiliar scents as soon as I stepped into the clearing, I let my instincts free and surveyed the threat. There were thirteen foriegn wolves in formation behind Emily and the Alpha wolf. None of them looked particularly threatening, but then again, what pack wolf really did, unless provoked? Each of them kept their gazes firmly on my sister. My sister. Emily stood there, looking more furious than smug, with her orange hair flapping in the early morning breeze. I would have been shocked at the angry expression is I already wasn't so pissed that we had found our snitch. I should have been happy to finally find the tattle-tale. I wasn't. So sue me.

My eyes cautiously roamed over each of the wolves, commiting them to memory incase any of them escaped. If this came to a fight, they would be hunted down, and they would be killed. In comparison to what it should have been, my wolf was fairly calm. Unexpected, especially in a situation such as this.

My wolf was snapping at the bit, though, when our eyes landed on my mate, her golden fur catching the first rays of sunlight that filtered over the treetops. She was crouched defensively, the hair on her back raised as Claire and her snarled at their enemy. That's when I truly realized the danger directed at her. The sole of my existance, my love, my mate. And Emily was threatening her.

My claws dug firmly into the dirt as I kicked off in her direction, kicking up a cloud of soil in my wake. My legs did not stop pumping until I bowled Ally over, and was crouched over her. I heard her protests from below as she nipped at my foreleg, obviously unimpressed with my display of dominance, but this was my mate, and so help me god, I was going to protect her. I could deal with her anger once we got out of this and went home.

"Shift," Emily demanded, the eyes that were once so similar to mine now held an anger that differed her from Claire. My upper lip curled up into a snarl, one that echoed the power of an Alpha, and sent the rest of my pack flinching back. Emily cringed, but stood her ground, much to my dismay. The order she had given me lacked any real force, meaning that luckily, she was not the mate of the Alpha standing before me. That would have been bad. It would have meant that he would do anything to prevent her from being harmed, including attacking without a gameplan. Rogues without a game plan were serial killers; they killed everything in their sight, and slaughtered thousands.

No, My wolf snarled, still appraising the threat across the clearing. I could sense my own pack emerging behind me, coming into formation, with John crouching over my sister beside me. His grey fur glinted, matching the deadly glint in his eyes that would tell anyone that they would pay for scaring his mate. My nostrils flared in warning as Emily took a soft step forward, her feet crunching softly on the frosted grass. The noise was loud enough to be a gunshot.

I Saved The Alpha. (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now