Another One Bites The Dust

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Hey guys! (: Almost at 50,000 reads, or maybe we're there already... I don't really know xD
So, I've been on homework overload, and dealing with some dummies in my classes, who are complete, for lack of a better word, assholes.  Sometimes I just wanna scream at 'em ! They're making fun of the fact that apparently 'no one' likes this one really nice girl in my Chem, and so I basically flipped on them, swearwords and all  (probably not a very smart thing, but I did get them off her back for that moment).  When I asked why, they said they 'don't know, everyone just says she's weird' which is a total cop out.  Did I mention they are assholes? Frig.

I admit, it may had escaped my mind that I had to sit beside one of them in my next class.  Awwwkkksss.. Anyways, I just wanted to say that if you see anyone being bullied, or you are being bullied, don't let them get away with it.  They may seem like they are pretty big and bad, and yeah,. if you show them it bugs you, they'll continue, but tell someone, be it a friend, or a parent or any adult, if you feel the need to have it stop.  If you see someone bullying you, stand up for them.  People who don't are just as bad as those who do.

Sooo... On with the story then!  I'm thinking it'll get pretty intense this chapter... ;) 

Read, Enjoy, COMMENT, and vote.

(I got my normal order mixed up...) but... ENJOY! :)


“Do you have any idea how unbelievable this is?” Lily cried, throwing her frail hands up into the air.  She paced about in front of the desk I was situated at, glaring at the floor.   “I raised your sister.  There is no way in hell or high heaven that she would ever turn against you like this.  She would never disrespect the pack!”

“Lily, we have proof,” I sighed, folding my arms on my desk.  Truth be told, I did not want to believe this either, but all ends had to be tied up, and it seemed that the most dangerous ends were about to be found on Emily.

"What kind of proof could you possibly have that would incriminate your sister?" Lily frowned, turning to point a finger in my direction.  "Now you listen hear young man, just because your mate and Emily may not get along-"

"SHE TRIED TO ATTACK MY MATE!" I roared, tearing up out of my seat.  The amount of Alpha power in my voice had even my aunt, who was of alpha blood, cringing away slightly, but only slightly.  Then she was back to her old stubborn, hard headed self.

"I am sure that Emily was not trying to-"

"Claire walked in on Emily speaking to Ally as though she was about to 'dispose' of her.  This is not me talking, this is Emily's twin.  Her twin said something is up with her.  Claire. So don't you dare start pointing fingers at my mate, because she has done nothing wrong," I growled, keeping my voice relatively calm.  Lily planted both hands on her hips, and narrowed her eyes at me.  I met her gaze steadily with mine.

And on with the staring contest.

Of course, Lily looked away first.  The Alpha in me did not like to be challenged, and she knew that.  Looking away was the smartest thing she had done all evening.

"Alright," Lily sighed. "Alright.  What do I need to do?"


Ally was wrapped firmly in a duvet, snug just beneath the covers when I walked into her room.  Well, truly, I snuck in seeing as people believed us to be fighting, but the details do not matter.  Lily had suggested that I move Ally somewhere secure tomorrow, seeing as Emily was likely to check that Ally had left the house, and I was here to ask her when she would like to go there.  This, however, could wait, as my protective instincts were rising, and I was not about to rouse her from her peaceful slumber.  She seemed to be sleeping a lot lately, perhaps from the amount of stress that she had suddenly had thrown onto her life in one giant heap when she met me.  I couldn't even remember the last time she had spoken about photography, and that was the favourite thing that almost caused her to leave me.

I Saved The Alpha. (Watty Awards 2012)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя