chapter 21

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the next morning you woke up with painfull eyes, maybe it comes because of the many tears you cried the night before. you think about what harry said to you and you just feel even more happier than last night. the butterflys in your stomach starts to do crazy stuff and you just love the feeling of harry laying next to you. "y/n are you awake?" he ask with his sexy sleepy voice. you look up to see him. his hair is messed up and he still looks tired. "yes" you say and you kiss him softly on the lips. he smiles lazy and role over so you are looking at eachother. " what do you want to do today my love because i already had some plans for us to do but if you want to do something else we can do that," " well i don't know what we can do. what were you plans for today?" he smiles at you, "well i think it's the time you meet the boys. the news that i'm seeing someone is everywere on the internet so they are curious about you and they want to know you." his smile gets bigger. " i will love to meet them." "well i'm going to call them, can i say that they can be here like 1 pm?" "ofcourse" you start laughing because of harry enthusiasm. when he calls the boys you're getting a shower. you put some nice clothes on, and brush your hair. when you come down stairs you see that harry made breakfast. "i baked you some eggs the boys are here on 1 o'clock." you take your breakfast and you're sitting next to him. he looks at you. "babe i just want to say something about us" you look at him and you think about what he want to say. he starts to talk again. "well i try to make you happy but sometimes it's going to be hard because of the media and fans, they will try to tare us apart, but i will never leave you i will always love you you need to know that." "harry i think you forget that i was a fan before i met you, i know how fans react when they hear there is a new girl in your life, and i know that they are going to say some realy bad stuff and i know that you'll do your best to make me happy and i don't need everyones upinion. the only thing that counts is that we're happy i will never listen to what they say about us." you suprised about you say that and you start to smile. it's just so easy to talk about everything with harry. "well i'm glad that you realize that. i just want to make sure babe," he comes close to you and kiss you softly. he stand up and he stands infrond of you, he hugs you and your head is on his cheast because you're still sitting on a chair. the hug feels so good, you feel safe in his arms, like no one can hurt you, 

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