Plot Line

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Bold—needs work/potential option
Regular—figured out/set in stone
Italicized—specific detail/idea

How it started:
-After bank robbery, Joker gets stopped on the way to his Lambo by a four year old girl

-Named Madeline

-Her dad is "sleeping" in the alley

-He's into the drugs and alcohol (no bueno)

-She thinks J looks cool and isn't scared of him

-He tells her that her dad is dead and won't be her daddy anymore

-She coolly asks if he will be her daddy—she doesn't quite understand how Gotham functions and how broken it is, but she'll learn that with J

-Joker was looking for a new toy. Not sexually, of course—the Joker was many things, but a pedophile was not one of them.

Joker's Scheme:
-Get her to trust him

-One Bad Day Theory—make her a ruthless murderer to freak out the public and cause chaos (like Harley—psychiatrist turned nutjob)

-Leto Joker

-Quotes/themes from Heath, maybe even Jerome?

What if Maddie is actually the precursor to Harley? J is bored with Batman as his only toy and wants to mix things up, so when he sees Mad an idea comes to him. After Maddie he decides that he should skew older the next time, and that leads to the creation of Harley years later.

-J didn't love her, he couldn't learn to love anything that was blindly devoted to him. Maybe that's why he cares about Maddie, because she does love him and care about him, but still gets upset and frightened of him when shit goes down. She sees and understands that what he does is bad, and she won't do what J does, but still thinks he has good qualities under the surface. Harley just didn't care and was so crazy in love that she would do anything he asked her to. Maddie cares about J and would do almost anything to protect him, but is still sane and would refuse to do something that is wrong, even if J asked her to do it.

Living Arrangements:
-Maddie lives with Joker at his hideout

-First few days Joker shoots a goon that tries to touch her (ew!), but doesn't kill him (yet)

-Her presence begins as an annoyance to him, but he grows a soft spot for the girl (FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF! FLUFF IT UP WHILE YOU STILL CAN CUZ SHITS ABOUT TO BLOW!)
-She has her own room that he decks out "to get her to trust him"

-Education? She needs to learn basics, perhaps other languages? Need a tutor or something. Who/how? Riddler! Duh! J makes a deal with the genius (what does Riddler stand to gain? He is tricked into accepting a crap piece of territory as payment) to get Maddie smarter. This is when the two first meet and leads to Joker breaking the deal (leaves a lovely welcoming gift for R to find). This is why Riddler gets mad and later kidnaps Maddie

-J has to rush into her room many nights because she has nightmares, afraid of storms? (He gets her a stuffed animal that will 'protect' her from nightmares)

-He tries to get her to train and learn to be a badass, basically, but she doesn't understand and always makes him laugh and play around

-She "forces" him to watch the Disney movies Frost got her (how she learns about the magical place despite her impoverished past life on the streets)

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