Pulled My Trigger, Now He's Dead

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"This is what you've been training for. Do it so we can be together. A family. Do you really want to be alone again?" He asked.

No! was the first word that popped into Madeline's head. How could she possibly consider going from having everything—comfort, toys, and family—to the wretched, terrifying existence she'd known before her rescue?

The answer? She couldn't.

Which was why Maddie felt her face hardening, lips pushing themselves into a snarl that managed to make even her look menacing—especially to the man on his knees before her. I'll do this for my daddy. I will make him proud, she vowed.

Without a second thought, she tightened her grip on the gun and shoved it into the man's face, curling her fingers and thus pulling the trigger. The bullet was shot directly into his temple, splattering blood and brain matter into Maddie, Joker, and the stage they stood on.

Joker was awestruck. That was beautiful.

I can't believe that actually fucking worked.

Omg no what have we done????

Shut up. I like where this is going. Make her shoot someone else!

Joker and his voices weren't the only ones struck dumb by Madeline's obedience. Andy, Tommy, Frosty, and the entirety of the audience seemed to be in shock as well. Onlookers gasped, screamed, and covered their mouths in terror.

And Maddie—well, Maddie seemed to be in a sort of trance, taking in both the gun in her hand and the dead body below her in a mystified way. She almost looked like she couldn't believe she'd shot him. And then. Oh, and then.

She. Fucking. Smiled.

And not a little half-smile, or even a smug little smirk, but a full-blown, hide your kids, hide your wives, lock her up in Arkham, maniac smile. With that grin on her face she fired the gun again. And not just once.

She unloaded the entire fucking mag into the unmoving corpse. Joker was both ecstatic and unnerved. The Maddie he knew and was beginning to grow fond of had disappeared entirely. And he didn't know when or if he'd be getting her back. What the fuck have I done?

Exactly what you intended to. You made a killing machine out of a street rat.

And speaking of rats...

Batman finally entered the scene and had no idea what was going on. Everyone was frozen, including the little girl with a gun in her hand and a corpse lying before her.

"Joker! What have you done?" The winged mammal demanded.

Joker seemed to come back to himself when he noticed the arrival of his arch nemesis. "Batsy! I'm so glad you made it! Though, I don't recall sending you an invitation."

"That's enough, Joker. Let the girl go," Batman growled, not sure what direction to go with this rescue.

Madeline finally noticed the new man and slid behind Joker, grasping at his coat as she strained to hide herself from the Batman's sight.

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