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The sobbing woman on the news had gained popularity. More often than not, any mention of Joker led to talk of Madeline (though no one knew her name) which led to a clip of the same upset woman who claimed that the poor blond girl in the Joker's grasp was her little baby, her only child, her pride and joy (which was laughable considering even she couldn't tell the media the name of her "poor baby").

So naturally the spontaneous trip to Disney World had reignited talk of Madeline in the news, especially seeing as eye witness Cinderella placed her at the scene. No cameras retained any film of Joker and his crew in the park, but all witnesses pointed to him as the culprit (having his signature crew dressed as a panda, sharks, and a goat preacher on the mission certainly didn't help his case).

The incident was so big, the news was still going on and on about it when everyone arrived back home to the mansion.

A softly crying Cinderella told reporters that the little girl didn't look to be in distress or harmed by Joker, thankfully. She sobbed harder as she confessed that she was afraid that it was too late to save the girl—the girl didn't want to leave Joker. What she didn't say was that Madeline had called the notorious criminal her daddy.

The news had a field day with Cinderella's statement, and just like that, the original sobbing woman was back on. "My poor baby! She doesn't know that she's living with a monster! Will no one save my little girl?"

Joker rolled his eyes as he saw the story starting over when he walked into the living room. He snarled at Cinderella, relieved that Madeline had been taken straight to her room when they got home as she was asleep. I knew I should've just shot that bitch when Maddie wasn't looking.

Surprisingly the clip of the woman claiming to be Madeline's mother was the first that he'd seen. He didn't particularly care about the news, so he had never heard of the woman before. Is she actually Madeline's mom? I thought I'd taken an orphan. Where's this woman been all of Maddie's life? Or even the past two months she's been with me?

He made a note to ask Maddie what she knew about the mystery woman, but resolved to do his own research in the meantime. My ways typically have better results too, or at least more fun.

Even as the little Joker family had arrived home, the Bat was out. After all, night had fallen, and the city was unquestionably his in the cover of darkness. That is, until one of his many adversaries decided to challenge his hold, but they all inevitably lost at some point. But there's always a bigger fish, isn't there? Batman was the bigger fish for now, but that's because a bigger one hadn't been discovered, or rather, hadn't evolved yet. Heroes create villains—or is it the other way around? It's like the relentless chicken and egg situation—which came first? If you're religious, you think the chicken, but how the hell can you relate religion to heroes and villains? Especially in a world where homicidal maniacs like the Joker exist? Technically, didn't God create the devil, seeing as he created everything? So didn't God create villains? Or did he create heroes first? It's all in the eye of the beholder, and sadly most of the people in Gotham probably didn't think too much on religion anymore given the state of their city and the relentless psychopaths constantly dogging it. They were more worried about living through their trip to the grocery store.

Or, in the case of Susan Wainwright, of rising through the social ranks in whatever way she could.

Bruce Wayne and Batman had done their own separate and ability specific research on that social climber on the news, and now it would appear that it was time for the Bat to fly out and collect her statement—forensic evidence if you will.

With darkness as his copilot (besides the loyal butler in his earpiece), he sought out that media famous woman who sobbed so loudly about her precious girl without a name.

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