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Once Bruce had been caught up on everything, everyone seemed to blame the same person for Madeline's disappearance. The Joker.

Who else could orchestrate her escape so silently and perfectly?

The four made a plan that consisted of Andy and Tommy trying to get in contact with Frosty to see if he knew where she was and then finding her and getting back to Bruce.

They didn't know about Bruce's own secret plan: confronting the Joker himself. But not really as himself, no. Batman was going to speak with the Joker tonight.


Arkham was cold at night. Joker'd been gone from it so long he'd forgotten just how cold. Perhaps it was so cold because he was alone for the first time in what felt like forever with Madeline gone.

Or it could just be because the straitjacket was so thin and the cell was dark and unforgiving. Even in the day, no light shined into the miserable hole in the wall he called home during his incarcerations.

Normally, he'd already be plotting his escape, or some other nefarious scheme, but he was still too caught on what Riddler had said. It's my fault. I ruined her life. I made her love and depend on a fucking psychopath. At least her parents made no pretenses about what they were. I was like a snake in the grass. She didn't see the danger coming until it was too late.


And just like that, Joker was snapped from his guilt. He knew that voice. He knew that growl. That was his Batsy, his long time enemy, the only man that stood a chance at understanding him, the so-called hero who he thought was crazier than himself, the man he was so obsessed with it almost felt like he was in love. The Batman. And how he hated him. Joker had never wanted the Batman to die—who would he play with then, after all?—but after he'd taken Madeline from him, Joker just wanted to see Batman suffer and cease to exist.

Joker slowly turned around towards the voice. And there was Batman, standing in the corner by the door, reminding Joker of the hero's namesake. J couldn't help but chuckle darkly at the sight of him. What's the official police stance on Batman? He's a vigilante, a criminal? Then why are they at his beck and call like a pack of puppies, following hopefully at his heels like he'll lead them to a treat rather than a beating?

"Batsy! I was wondering how long it would be before they'd all realize you belong in here! Didn't I tell you that we would share a cell in Arkham?" J greeted, laughing hysterically.

"Enough, Joker. We both know I'm not here to exchange pleasantries or bunk with you. Where's Madeline?" Batman demanded.

Joker froze mid-laugh, his smile dropping. It was so quiet in the cell that you could almost hear Joker's heart drop to his stomach.

"What?" He snarled. "You fucking lost... my daughter? You fucking stole her away from me, 'because she wasn't safe', and now you turn around and fucking lose her!"

"You mean, you didn't arrange her kidnapping?" Bruce asked, having the decency to sound sheepish.

"No! Why would I have my daughter kidnapped when I'm still in fucking Arkham? I know you think I'm crazy, but that makes zero fucking sense!" J screamed.

"But if you or your men didn't take her, who did?" Batman asked himself.

"Eddy," Joker growled to himself. He turned to the cell door, as he didn't get a barred wall like others did. "Eddy! Where the fuck did you take Madeline? Give it up, you dipshit, or I'll come over there and kick your ass!"

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