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Joker spent the next few days making preparations for Madeline's birthday.

He went out and bought decorations galore (and stole some too) to surprise her.

He had Andy and Tommy order a birthday cake.

Frosty made several toy runs for the special girl.

And the theme of the party? Clowns, of course.

But nice, happy clowns. Not the scary clowns you see in horror movies that make you lose faith in humanity. Not even the sketchy party clowns that make you itch for a baseball bat.

Happy circus clowns. The kind that make you think back on fond childhood memories of going to the circus with your family for the first time, or the time that you met a cute ginger at the circus and you made out behind the tent for an hour.

Joker found himself thinking of all the essential parts of a birthday party. He had food, decorations, cake, and presents down, but he remembered that most children also had party games at their celebrations. J wanted to give his babygirl the full experience, but the vision of him and his goons playing games with Madeline seemed sad at best.

In place of cringeworthy party games, Joker decided that he would take his princess out on a 'shopping' spree after cake and present time.

So, needless to say, by the time Madeline's birthday actually arrived, everyone was both over-prepared and overwhelmed.

She woke up by herself, alone in her bedroom, which was weird since normally either Andy or Tommy or both were the ones who woke her up in the morning.

Confused, Madeline got up out of the bed and slid to the floor. She was going to head straight downstairs in her pajamas until she saw a dress laying out at the foot of her bed.

It's new. It has to be. Madeline was certain she would have remembered owning a dress like that one and would have already worn it several times.

The dress was a rich purple color (go figure), decked out in sequins and sparkles. The coloring was the perfect shade of purple, not as dark as plums, it was bright and cheerful, but not so much that it appeared lavender or some strange electric purple. The white leggings paired with the dress read 'Daddy's Princess' down either leg.

Maddie squealed happily at the outfit and pulled it on all by herself, still wondering where everyone was.

The unknowing birthday girl brushed it off and decided to go on downstairs, figuring that everyone was probably down there anyway. She skipped out of her room and down the hallway, humming happily as she went.

Madeline couldn't help but freeze at the top of the staircase. At first it was because she was trying to figure out how to descend them by herself, little eyebrows furrowed as she stared at the top step. Suddenly she got the urge to glance upwards, and was she ever so glad that she did.

Purple and green (of course) streamers lined the railing all the way down to the ground floor, but surprisingly some pink ones dangled from the ceiling above Andy, Tommy, Johnny, and Joker, who were all beaming up at her expectantly. Thankfully, there were no clowns on the scene other than J, though there were some featured on balloons near the front door.

A chatter of 'surprise!'s and 'happy birthday, Maddie!'s assaulted the bewildered little girl (who didn't even know what a birthday was, let alone that today was hers).

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