Out Smarting The Watcher By: Tamoja

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Out Smarting The Watcher By: tamoja

  Outsmarting the Watcher!

He's watching me. I can feel it. Those black eyes searching my room and settling on me. I tried to tell my best friend, but she just laughed and said I was crazy. But I'm not. At least, I don't think I am. Would I know if I were?

I try to catch a glimpse of him in the shadows of my room. Sometimes, when the bathroom light across the hall is left on, I can see those shadows stretch and move and almost catch a glimpse of him. But even when I can't, and things appear perfectly normal, I know he's there, watching.

I've taken to changing my clothes in the closet. It drives my mom bonkers because sometimes I come out with my shirt inside out or my pants backwards, but it's worth it. I'm not gonna letsome crazy perv watch me dress.

I have a plan, a good one. I'm setting a trap.

I'm the bait because let's face it, I already am.

I wake up early and for a change, I actually feel happy I've finally thought of a plan to rid myself of the monster peeper. For a week I've been upset.

What kind of family ignores the fact thatsomeone is watching their kid and planning to come into the house at night? Mine. And maybe it's because they don't care, maybe I'm a terrible daughter and they want to rid themselves of me once and for all.

When they brought me here from the orphanage I assumed my life was going to be spectacular. Parent's from America, that was more than a dream come true.

They brought me into their home, shared their food, gave me clothes and love without asking foranything in return. Somehow I knew it was too good to be true. And I was right. To find outnow that I'm about to be a human sacrifice for a creep, it's too much to handle.

I can't sit backand let things happen. Maybe they thought I was some dumb orphan who was easy to get rid-of, but I've lived through enough to make me tough. No one's going to get me.

I stare at the tree in the living room draped with twinkling white lights and glass bulbs. It's gorgeous. Of all the things I'm going to miss, this will be one of the things I miss most. Of course, a few days ago it would have been the parents I got, they were sweet and kind and always listened to me. They acted like I was the most important thing that had ever happened to them. And I admit, I felt the same. I fell for it like a dumbo.

When she showed me the note from the creep I couldn't believe my eyes. I smiled, because she expected me to. She acted as if it were such a sweet honor to be chosen, to be watched, toget a special late night visit. What is wrong with these people?

If I said I was watching you, making lists and keeping track of your good deeds, getting ready to break into your house in the middle of the night and pay you a visit you'd be freaked out right?

But for this guy, because he's some kind of icon, some kind of American tradition they think it'smore than alright?

I have to just get through today, tomorrow I take back my life and rid myself of the creep. I'm sure all the kids are going to thank me. Maybe I'll be an American icon.

Ridding all those poor kids who are threatened and bullied into submission and good behavior by a fat psycho jerk keeping lists and being pervish. I may be an orphan again, maybe I'll be sent to some corner of the world where it's freezing every day but I don't care. I'll be safe.

I wait for my parents to go to bed. Mike and Judy usually get right into bed at eleven. Tonight for some reason they go into the basement.

I sneak into the living room and set my can ofchange on the door handle, if it moves, I'll hear it. The ransom note said he wanted cookies and milk. What kind of crazy people bribe someone for breaking in and watching kids while they sleep?

I take the cookies Judy and I have decorated and put on a fancy plate. I open the hot sauceand drench the cookies, but only on the bottom so he won't be able to tell.

Sneaking quickly into my room I take the container of pushpins from the corkboard in mybedroom and scatter them around the tree and by both the fireplace and the door. Good luck getting past these fat man!

I grab one of Mike's golf clubs out of the closet. I may not know how to play golf but I know how to swing a stick. It's cold and shining in the light and feels good in my hand.

I grab the tie to my robe and the tie to my dress, the green one I came in here, and tie themtogether. I'll tie him up once he's stunned from the club and then I'll smash his face in.

I climb into bed with my fingers still wrapped around the club. I'm scared, but I feel like I'm asready as I'm going to get. Mike and Judy are still in the basement. Maybe that's what happen,they get out of the way so the creep can come in and get me.

Then they don't have to see mescream and when the police come, they have an excuse, they were busy in the basement! I hear them on the stairs, sneaking on tiptoes, Mike's normal heel thump silenced. Giggles andwhispers cross my ears like wind.

Is it possible they find this amusing and funny, how had Ibeen so wrong about these people?They patter to the kitchen where the fat man must be, I'm on alert as I hear howls from the hotsauce in the cookies, the sink turns on, in my mind I see him dunking his mouth into the runningwater.

How could he have gotten in and not upset the can of change on the doorknob?I get out of the bed holding on to the golf club. It's harder this way, I didn't expect Mike and Judy to be a part of this, I thought they would sleep or hide, but to be a part of it sickens my stomach.

I don't know if I can take them all on, maybe I'll lose, but I'll end up at least taking outmy target, the creep who's been watching me.

I hear footfalls down the hallway, toward the living room, I pray that the push pins slow them,just enough to let me get a swing in and then I can make a break for it.

I'll find a place to sleepin an alley or the park and come back tomorrow and grab boots and a coat, anything will bebetter than waiting for someone to come and get me.

I hear a squeal, they've stepped on the pins! I rush from my room and toward the tree, for amoment I freeze, seeing him there, red and white trimmed, puffed up like a fat man in a shining suit.

His face contorted in concern over Judy who hops on one foot over to the couch. I let outa battlecry and use all my strength to swing the club.

And he catches it. My energy drains and suddenly the panic is gone and I'm just so tired and disappointed and sick of being afraid. I cry. The fat man yanks his white beard and it comesoff, revealing Mike, my dad. Judy grabs me and holds me in a tender embrace while Mike takes off the hat, and the beard and sits next to me.

They try and comprehend my reaction, and explain the facts about Santa, how he's a good thingand keeps alive Christmas magic and joy, and I nod and snuggle.When they're finished they put me to bed promising me gifts in the morning.

Bribery, forkeeping the secret of Mike's identity safe I'm sure. I won't let my guard down. I can't believe it's Mike, my own adopted dad doing the watching and the sneaking in houses at night terrifying kids. He has to be stopped, and I'm just the kid to do it.

********** Hey everyone! @tamoja here. I thought I'd take a little twist and turn and changeperspective a little. You've got to admit, a jolly fat man keeping a list and watching kids whilethey're awake and sleeping is the very definition of creepy right? Who comes up with thesethings? Lol Happy Holidays everyone. May it be filled with magic and wonder and a worth remebering!

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