Candy Killers by @KellyAnneBlount

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Candy Killers by KellyAnneBlount

Chapter One

"Why can't we get more cookies?" whined Ella.

Our mother arched an eyebrow and stifled a yawn. "Ella, we have enough cookies."

She's such a brat, I thought to myself as we walked by Mrs. Knickerbocker's Sweets and Treats shop. The shop had opened less a few weeks ago and it had been packed every day since. My mouth watered from the sugary aroma in the air, but I'd never admit that to my little sister. She made every single moment all about her. My parents never stopped to ask what I wanted, it all came down to Ella's choices and Ella's decisions.

"I WANT COOKIES!" screamed Ella. She fell to the ground and began failing her arms wildly.

I cracked a smile. If the sidewalk hadn't been plowed, she would have made a snow angel. Well, perhaps a snow demon.

Our mother bent over and collected Ella from the ground. She kicked and swung her arms.

"You are such a brat," I muttered under my breath.

"Jace, don't speak to your sister like that," scolded my mother.

Most people would be shocked. I simply shook my head.

Ella stuck out her tongue at me before starting to sob, her entire body shaking in our mother's hands. Like clockwork, mom set her down and wiped her tears. A few seconds later, we were in the candy shop.


Chapter Two

Mrs. Knickerbocker smiled as the bell on the front door jingled.

We stood in line behind a family of three and two teenagers. The menu had over fifty different sugary treats and twenty flavors of ice cream.

Ella started to list off everything she wanted. My mother pulled out her phone and recorded the list.

"What do you want, Jace?" she asked.

"I'm good," I told her.

"Jace doesn't deserve anything!" spat Ella.

My blood boiled. "You know what? I'd love a piece of fudge. Mint chocolate chip."

Our mother added it to our list. This time, I stuck out my tongue. Childish, I know, but I couldn't help myself.

When we got to the counter, my mother rattled off a long list. She forgot my fudge, but I didn't care, my eyes had landed on something much better. A "Help Wanted," sign stood in the corner of the store.

"Anything else?" asked Mrs. Knickerbocker, a slight shake in her hands as she scooped up a pile of chocolate covered pretzels.

"Are you still looking for help?" I asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2016 ⏰

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