Rudolph and the Orange Alpha by @LeighWStuart

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Rudolph and the Orange Alpha by LeighWStuart

TheRealTrumpPrez Twitter

Game nite! Will be huge. Fantastic! A must see and not that SNL. So not funny.



Humans howl and throw ticket stubs and beer bottles at the chain link cage. I strut. I am one fine beast and I won't feel sorry for winning in less than 30 seconds. Losers! They want a show? Give me a worthy opponent!

The ladies in the other cage crowd together as far from me as possible, but I know it's just part of the show. I rear up and let my masculine pheromones waft from my amazing chest. One of the poor dears falls over in a dead faint.

I am an animal! THE animal! I was made for the fight. I grind the nubs of my molars together and curb my jealousy of the gold capped incisors these human men so love to sport. I'd put gold tipped, front teeth to some real use.

The door opens and another buck is shoved in the pen. I scoff. This? This is what they want me to fight? The rank smell of sweat and fear fill the cage. I'll eat him for breakfast. And there won't be any leftovers for lunch.

I bellow once for the ladies who hop up and down in excitement, and then I lunge for the kill.


FBI Security Report

Sealed file.


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Fox News

Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Wins 1st World Championship of Cage-Fighting: Disturbing evidence of predator-like behavior quickly squelched by scientific community. What people seemed to see wasn't actually happening.

"Well, Phil, isn't that a relief?"

"Why yes, Rebecca, it certainly is!"

"I thought I would have to explain to my kids that Rudolph was actually eating the other reindeer, but thank goodness it was just a trick of the light through the new poly-chain cage that our great president insisted on having to protect the spectators."

"The wonders of technology never cease. And in other news, the Chinese Prime Minister states they will begin testing on the nuclear cloud cover rain program soon. However, since global warming has been proven to be a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese government and that more rain is not necessary to Asia to grow food, we have been informed that this nuclear testing is in fact, nothing more than wishful thinking. To you, Oliver—"

Channel blip


Lab Report, 28.12.2019

Aggression has increased approximately 250% in subject Rudolph since series of injections of Perpatuate (see chart). Food consumption has remained stable, except for large quantities of meat consumed during the fights on 27 December, 2019 and previous training sessions (see sheet). We recommend increasing the dosage of Quamidaflor to 60 gr, twice per day and the water hose behavioral treatment to at least 3 per week.

While other reindeer subjects (see list) have exhibited signs of abnormal carnivorism, none have been seen to willingly attack others of the same species or to enjoy racial 'cannibalism'. Funding for further studies has been requested.


Lab Report, 29.12.2019

The subject Rudolph attacked a female reindeer for the first time. Subject Jane Doe, a female of three years, was only lightly injured with bites to shoulder, thigh and nose. Stitches were required, but blood loss was not significant.

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