The Game by ReadInCloset

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The Game by readincloset

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The Game by readincloset

Six days until Christmas meant I'd finally be able to visit my grandma. Every year we'd leave on Christmas eve for her lavish estate. My dad hated "grandma Isle" and didn't like us spending much time there. But within a few days, I'd be living with my lovely grandmother.

The day had almost ended and I had planned a big night with Hunter and my bestie Sara. Of course, Tuner had to be there, they'd deemed him Hunter's 6th appendage. It pissed me off to no end. At least he'd leave us alone for our make out sessions. The plan had been set. Hunter and Turner would arrange for the booze We'd use my dad's car.

"Now, we got the booze and the hook up." Turner held up a new bag of weed. "Where ever shall we party?" His body squished between the two front seats, but his eyes had clearly settled between Sarah's cleavage.

"Eyes up cowboy." Sara smacked Turner in the forehead.

"Ouch. We could go to my basement. Mom's and Pop's sleep like logs."

Hunter had rolled a joint and leaned into the driver's side window. "What about The Dollar Twenty?"

The thought of using the old theater sent a lump to my throat. "It's empty. Ever since the fire. I haven't heard of anyone going there to party yet."

"All in favor of partying at The Dollar Twenty, Say Aye."

They'd said the fire happened accidentally when a projector malfunctioned. The lobby and ticket kiosks had burned to the ground within seconds. The ominous look of the place scared even the bravest of adventurers off. Our stupidity outweighed our bravery and we decided to be the only group of idiots to trespass since the accident. At least the theater had steady structure in the back, a perfect venue for our night's activities.

"We'll be there in an hour!" I bounced up and down in the passenger seat.

Hunter had taken over at the wheel and Sara sat mortified, fending off Turner's advances in the back seat.

Sara glared at me. "Where is it?"

"What." It wasn't unlike me to glare right back into her solid blue eyes.

Hunter assured us he could buy some Molly at the creepy shop behind the gas station, a small window through which people bought alcohol and other tasty treats. Turner swore he had heard it from someone at school. But he'd returned empty handed.

"Did you get any?" Sara frisked Turner."

"Hey. What's with the pat down? Not that I don't mind a good rub job from a girl, but what the hell?"

Sara puppy-dog eyed him. Her favorite way to get boys to do whatever she wanted them to do.

"I'll get the Molls." Hunter turned the car off and took the keys. "In case any of you yahoos decides to take off."

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