A New Year's EVE Eve Offering from @KarlOConnor

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Ralph never knew quite why he went into the Plaza hotel on that bright summer afternoon. He had passed by the place so many times without ever going inside and each time he did pass his intrigue grew. The building almost seemed to call out to him. It was as if he was meant to go there and become a part of something, something big, bigger than him, bigger than his pet rabbit, bigger than his Ford Focus, and perhaps bigger than space and time itself.

All through his time in school, which by now was more than just a few years prior, Ralph had never been the brightest spark. It was due to one of his teachers that he made it through at all. French teacher as well as his class tutor for two years, Mrs. Dunne always came down hard on Ralph and it was because of this that Ralph ended up with the half decent results that he managed to acquire.

Despite living alone, being single and having no children of his own, Ralph very much is and has been a family man. He enjoys and loves each and every moment he has to spend with family members. He may have come to the Plaza by himself though today he is and will be in no way alone.

From the moment he entered the hotel, Ralph felt that things weren't quite right. He had been instantly hit by a chill. He didn't know where this chill came from or why he may feel it but feel it, he certainly did.

'How are you sir?' Ralph greets an elder gent dressed in a tuxedo who passes on front of him.

'Good evening young man' says the man in reply while raising his top hat, 'the fire is burning strong in the lounge, you must be freezing being so under dressed for this cold weather we are having.'

Complete confusion seriously hits Ralph just as strongly or possibly even more so than the chill he felt a moment or so ago. It wasn't just what the old man said; it was also the surroundings that created confusion. A candle lit chandelier hanging from the lobby ceiling. The lights on the walls are oil lamps. A nearby grandfather clock tells the time at 11.40 and a large banner behind the reception desk reads 'Happy New Year'. All this when it should be a bright summer afternoon.

Before Ralph could make any queries he was sure he could see Mrs. Dunne walk right into the lounge that the elder gent had spoken of. It has indeed been some time since Ralph finished school; in fact it has been ten years since Ralph had cause to be within the walls that educated him and in this moment his former tutor looks just the very same as Ralph had remembered. She hasn't aged a day.

Ralph followed on into the lounge. Sure enough the large fire place was sporting a strong fire. Table candles provided a low level of light. A black grand piano sat on a small stage to one end of the lounge. At the bar Mrs. Dunne sat alone.

'Hello Mrs. Dunne, it is good to see you', it wasn't really but growing up Ralph had always been taught to be polite.

'Do I know you kind sir?'

'It is Ralph, Ralph Taylor; you were my tutor ten years ago.'

'I believe you have me mistaken.'

Before Ralph could dispute that, a man walks into the room grabbing his attention. This man moves towards the piano and sits at it before speaking. 'Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I hope I find you all well on this New Year's Eve'.

New Year's Eve? What is going on? Ralph for some reason or another just felt like he should say thank you to the lady next to him as if it was the right thing to do then leave that particular meeting at that so he did.

'My name is Dexter', continued the man by the piano as he began to play, 'and welcome to my house, welcome to Dexter's house. For tonight is a special night. It is a night where the past, present and future all come to live together as one, so relax, take a load off and enjoy this night for what it is, for what it was and for what it forever will be.'

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