Chapter 9 - "Was I ever fun?"

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Louie was halfway to the Cage, with her Med bag slung over her shoulder when she heard a pair of hurried footsteps approach. She kept walking without looking back, knowing whoever was behind would catch up. Ryland half staggered to a stop beside Louie, taking a second to catch his breath before talking.

"Hey Lou, what's new?"

Louie didn't bother answering, it was a meaningless greeting.

"So you going to tell me?" Ryland asked, walking beside her, his body pivoted towards her.

"Asking for information in vague terms will get you no where Rye. I won't promise that specifics will get you what you want either, but at least I'll know what you're getting at," Louie said, her tone bland.

"Are you going to tell me what the Doctor and Peyton told you?"

Louie was puzzled for half second until she realized people must have seen her disappear into her office with the two men.


"Come on Lou, just a little something. It will be just between us," Ryland said, winking at Louie.

Louie didn't respond to the action, just kept walking her face forward, expression blank.

"You're no fun anymore," Ryland said.

"Was I ever fun?"

"No, but now its just more annoying."

"Ryland you will find out what you need to know when you need to know it. It's possible you'll find out during the Council meeting today, but that is entirely up to Chief to decide. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting."

Louie stopped at the entrance to the Cage, not planing on letting Ryland wrangle his way into that meeting.

"I also believe you have Peyton waiting on you. You shouldn't keep him waiting."

Ryland seemed to get an idea and he left without a single word, a determined look in his eye. Louie almost smirked, if there was one person other than her that wasn't easy to wheedle information from it was Peyton. Louie wished  for a moment she could watch as Ryland tried to pry information from Peyton, imagining Peyton's expressionless face and bored tone. But then the notion vanished in an instant and she spun on her heels and headed towards Chief's office.

Her hand was raised to knock when she heard voices emanating from inside. Hesitating for only a second, Louie knocked. The voices ceased and Chief's voice called out "come in". Louie pushed the door open and found Mr. Andrews standing by the chair, opposite Chief's.

"If this is a bad time I can come back later," Louie said, looking between the two men.

"No, we are finished here," Chief said.

Mr. Andrews nodded and side stepped Louie, his footsteps echoing in the Cage, as Louie shut the door. She turned back to Chief, seeing in the split second a worn out expression that he quickly covered up with a smile as he looked at her.

"Hello Elouise, how are you doing?" Chief asked.

Just like that Louie knew that whatever had happened between the two men was not going to be explained to her and knew better to ask.

"I'm fine. How are you feeling?"

"Fine, fine. My leg is giving me some pain, but that's to be expected I suppose."

"I'll give you something for that."

Louie took a chair and positioned it beside his, pulling her Med bag onto her lap.

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