Chapter 23 - "Is it true?"

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Voices pulled Louie from the blackness, their words incoherent. Adrenaline shot through her body as she opened her eyes and found a dark figure standing over her. In an instant Louie was reaching out to the sides, fingers desperately searching for a weapon, as she started to bring her legs up to kick her attacker. Her wrists were grabbed by a pair of strong hands and the figure shifted closer, mouth moving. It took Louie a moment to hear the words through her panic.

"Louie, calm down, its okay, its me. You're safe," Peyton said, his tone comforting.

Louie felt her whole body relax and the adrenaline, that had been coursing through her body seconds before, drained out of her. As her panic subsided, Louie suddenly became acutely aware of the intense pain that was tearing through her body. It was digging into her muscles and stretching across her back, shoulders and stomach.

The shock of the pain hitting her brain forced a cry from her lips and she shut her eyes again. She tried to the battle the fire that had consumed every inch of her. Peyton dropped her wrists and took hold of her upper arms, holding her still.

"Louie I know its hard, but I need you to stop moving. Its more painful if you do. Okay?" Peyton said.

Louie nodded her head. A mistake. Searing pain raced through her skull, dulling her thoughts and pulling the blackness back to her for a brief second. With the last bit of strength she felt she had, Louie relaxed her body back to the ground. Peyton let out a long breath beside her and his hands released her upper arms. As Louie became accustomed to the constant aching and throbbing of her body she looked around.

A fire crackled near by, filling the air with a wooden smell that did nothing to mask the odor of death that rose from the Crawlers' fallen bodies. Peyton who had been crouching next to her, sat back, resting his arms on his bent knees. He looked at her, his face half cast in shadow. Across the fire, Louie could barely make out the forms of Dax and another figure that looked familiar, but wasn't part of the team. Her gaze moved back to Peyton and she found him looking at her, concern, pain and relief written in his expression.

"I would ask you how you are, but I think I have a idea," Peyton said.

"What happened?" Louie asked, her voice coming out weak.

Her brain was moving sluggishly, her thoughts scattered. Peyton ran a tired hand through his hair, letting out a weary sigh.

"You were knocked out when you hit the tree," he said. "I managed to kill the Crawler before he got to you. The rest of the Crawlers went down shortly after that. You've been unconscious for a little over an hour. You lost a lot of blood, but I got your wounds stitched up and wrapped. But I was afraid to move you incase it could make your head worse. I don't know if you have a concussion."

Louie slowly raised her hand and felt under her shirt at the bandages beneath.

"How bad is it?" Louie asked, her mind still trying to focus through the fog in her brain.

"You are pretty torn up, but nothing vital was hit. The blood lose was the biggest concern."

Louie nodded, but instantly regretted it, as stabs of pain shot through her head. She closed her eyes and fought against the tears that rose into her eyes. As the pain ebbed away, her thoughts slowly cleared. She stayed silent as her body rested back into the ground.

"I need you to check and see if I have a concussion," Louie said.

"How do I do that?"

"See if my pupils are uneven and dilated. Then ask me basic questions."

Peyton reached out and gently took her head in his hands, titling her face towards the fire. His eyes found her's and he leaned closer, his breath warm on her face. He studied her eyes for a long moment, then settled her head back down.

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