Chapter 25 - "That's never going to happen."

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Louie left the Med Wing the next day, Peyton beside her. Everywhere she looked eyes were on her. Some bore the glint of sympathy, while other's the spark of doubt. Her tread was even and her arms hung by her sides. The tense posture she had held for so long felt unfamiliar and useless. The freshly healed scars that crisscrossed her back made her walk with a different sense of strength than before. At the dining area Louie could feel the stares travel with her as she stepped up to Marie.

"Good morning Marie," Louie said.

Her tone was formal, but the edge of command that had been laced though every word before was gone. Marie's smile was bright and genuine.

"Look who's out and about," Marie said. "How are you feeling sweet cakes? I brought this one his food because he refused to leave your bed side. It must have been some adventure you faced out there for him to be so dedicated."

Peyton's expression remained the same, but his cheeks showed a hint of color. Louie gave a small smile.

"We had to look out for each other out there to survive," Louie said. "It became a habit. I guess one that was difficult to drop."

Marie nodded in understanding.

"Of course. Well, I think you were brave to go out there despite what everyone else thinks."

Louie bristled at the words, but kept her face clear of any betraying emotions.

"I just want to say I'm sorry about Chief," Marie said. "He was an amazing man and I'm proud I got to know him."

Grief flooded Louie's body and she choked on the lump in her throat. Breathing deeply, she forced the feeling aside.

"Thank you," Louie said, her voice calm.

"Sure thing. Enjoy your meal."

Louie took the tray from Marie and moved away, walking to her usual table and sitting down. Peyton joined her, his eyes seeming to search her face for the thoughts that floated through her head. They ate in silence, aware of the glances thrown their way and the whispers that preceded the looks. Luther and Jonas settled into a seat opposite Louie, Jonas frowning.

"How you feeling Louie?" Jonas asked.

"I'm fine," Louie said.

Peyton smiled behind his spoon and said nothing.

"Then you want to tell me why Ryland and Mr. Andrews are acting like they are in charge?" Jonas asked, his tone betraying his dislike of the situation.

"They have been running the Compound since Chief passed and I have been in the Med Wing."

Jonas's shoulders relaxed and the frown vanished. Luther leaned forward.

"So you will be taking over now, then?" he asked. "Because there have been rumors buzzing around that Ryland and Mr. Andrews will be taking your place instead."

Louie felt a tinge of annoyance flare up but kept it from reaching her face.

"Or that Peyton will be stepping up as leader," Jonas added.

Peyton's head snapped up and he frowned.

"That's never going to happen," Peyton said.

Jonas just shrugged, his face innocent.

"I'm just saying what we've heard," Jonas said. "People seem to think Louie's weak and can't take care of the Compound. I told them that was the dumbest thing I have ever heard. We know from experience you are one of the toughest people here."

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