Chapter 12 - "That's not an answer."

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Louie leaned forward, carefully unwrapping the bandages encasing the Doctor's head, every inch of her resisting the action.

"How's training going?" the doctor asked.

Louie's whole body was holding onto a deep ache that followed everywhere she went, but her face revealed none of it.

"Fine," Louie replied.

She gingerly traced over the spot where the doctor had received the blow to his head. The doctor winced slightly as Louie's fingers hit a tender spot. Pulling her hand away, she picked up his chart and started making notes.

"Peyton is kind of an intense person, but you're not going to find a better trainer," John said.

Louie gave a vague uh huh as she kept writing.

"Did you know that he wasn't the only person I have worked with?"

Louie looked up, surprised by this.

"Really?" Louie asked, settling the clipboard on her lap.

"Yes, I have actually worked with about five different people, trying to track down and study the Crawlers. Peyton is the only one that has helped me the most. He's a whole different kind of brave."

"How so?"

Louie went back to checking John's vitals, her attention jumping from listening to him and making notes on his chart.

"His natural instinct isn't his own self preservation but that of anyone around him who can't defend themselves. I've seen him do a lot of amazing things, but some of the craziest things I saw were what he did for others."

Louie had no response to this and so remained silent, her gaze dropping to the clipboard.

"How's your head?" Louie asked.

The doctor gently prodded his own head.


"Headaches? Dizziness? Lightheadedness? Nausea?"

He started to shake his head, but stopped.

"Slight headaches."

Louie nodded and stood her body protesting the movement, her muscles aching. Retrieving a cup and medicine, she brought it back to the doctor.

"These will help. It will also take down the inflammation."

The doctor took them with a smile and a brief thank you. Louie turned away from the doctor's bed. Her body hurt with the simple action. Peyton stepped into the Med Wing, his eyes landing on her. Louie wordlessly switched out the doctor's chart for Peyton's as he strode over to her. She nodded to an empty bed.

"Sit, please," Louie said.

Peyton did as he was told and Louie brought her hand up to his head. She felt over the spot he had had a bump two weeks ago.

"How is your head doing?" Louie asked. "Sometimes headaches can come back after any kind of exertion."

"Its fine."

Louie nodded and made a note of it.


Peyton stood and took off his pack, as well as his shirt. Louie laid aside the clip board and removed the bandage that encased his ribs, her arms aching.

"How's your body doing?" Peyton asked.

Startled, Louie took a step back. She eyed him, the bandage clutched in her hand, body rigid.

"Excuse me?"

Peyton gave a small smile.

"Let me rephrase that," Peyton said. "How are your muscles doing? You've had five days of intense training. People unaccustomed to that kind of movement tend to be in pain for awhile until their bodies become familiar with it."

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