Chapter 22 - "You alright?"

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Louie knew Peyton as determined and tough, so it surprised her to find his lips warm and gentle. It surprised her even more to find the warmth spreading from his lips into and through out her body, electrifying every nerve. Peyton's other hand cupped Louie's face as he shifted closer.

For the space of a heart beat Louie felt herself leaning into the kiss, her hand reaching for Peyton.

Then her thoughts came slamming back into clear focus and her whole body went rigid. Louie pulled away and stood. Peyton was left startled by the sudden change, his hands still hanging in air. Louie's mask dropped down and she straightened her shoulders. She looked at Peyton with an indifferent look that countered the feelings that were banging inside her chest.

"I'm sure you can finish the watch by yourself. Goodnight Peyton."

Louie didn't give Peyton enough time to respond, or even to think as she strode away from him and to the opposite side of the camp fire. She climbed into her sleeping bag and faced the dark lifeless forest, staring blankly into the bare limbs. She forced her eyes shut, trying to turn off the storm of thoughts that was tumbling around her brain.

She mostly tried to push away the lingering feeling of Peyton's lips imprinted on her own. Eventually the crackling of the fire and the exhaustion from the days journey did its job. Louie drifted off to sleep, oblivious to Peyton's gaze on her back, and the confusion that was etched into his features.


Bright morning light fall across Louie and she stirred in the confines of the sleeping bag, her dreams floating away from her. Eventually the sound of voices and the clattering of boots pulled her into reality. As she stowed away her sleeping bag her eyes fell to Peyton and found his face impassive.

He broke away from her gaze, letting his focus be taken up with strapping on his holster and slotting his knife into it. Louie settled her features into a blank expression and went about getting ready for the day.

Her pack was slug across her back and she was pulling her hair but into a bun when Peyton stepped up to the front of the group.

"Today," Peyton said, "if we make good time we should reach the Compound sometime after dark. I figure traveling a little through the night is worth it this once to get you all back home."

"I'll say, I dying for a normal bed," Jonas said.

This got a round of laughs but Louie felt she couldn't join in with them. Peyton barely smiled, and even the small effort seemed strained.

"I'm sure everyone's ready to get back to normal life. Let's head out then, not waste anymore time. Usual formation."

Peyton turned and started walking the group falling into their normal positions.

The group's energy was high, all thoughts on the fact that each step took them closer to home. Every thought except Louie's and Peyton's. Louie found herself more distracted than ever, her mind wandering back to night before. To the kiss until her thoughts righted themselves. Shifting ahead to the Compound, her waiting father and the duties that rested on her shoulders.

Through out the day Peyton and Louie avoided each other when they could. Their faces were unreadable whenever they happened to look at each other. They danced around each other, saying as little as possible. If the rest of the group noticed, they showed no sign.

The day stretched on but eventually the sun sank beneath the horizon and the stars slowly winked into view. They were in a small clearing surrounded by clusters trees when Peyton stopped them.

"We'll rest here for a bit, eat and then move on," Peyton said. "The Compound isn't too far off, but we can't risk being tired if we were to get attacked. Dax start a fire. Jonas, Luther, Trevor, and I will clear the area."

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