Chapter 10 - "I can not talk to chaos."

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"Thank you," Chief said. His gaze then fell to Louie. "As for the announcing the idea about the training of twenty members I am going to let you take the lead on this one. I think it's time that you start having a voice during the meetings. And as for the second part of your idea, I think we need to ask Peyton here before we go to the Council and get their vote."

Peyton looked between Louie and Chief, his expression showing his curiosity with a hint of concern. Louie nodded to Chief and pivoted towards Peyton, her hands firmly held behind her.

"Peyton," Louie said, "besides training the twenty members of our Compound, I would like to ask you one more thing. I want to know whether you would also lead a small team, of no more than 6 members, outside to track the Crawler group. Who you take can be your decision, after you see who is the best fit for the job. I know you usually do this sort of thing on your own, but in this case I hope you make an exception."

Peyton seemed surprised by her request and held his silence for a long while.

"I would not be able to make any promises that the members who follow me would be safe or would make it back here alive or the same."

"We understand and it will be the same thing we tell those who want to join you," Louie said. "But I feel confident you will still have plenty to choose from. Will you do it?"

Peyton seemed sobered by the weight of Louie's request, as if the lives of the ones who would join him already sat heavily on his shoulders.

"Alright." He raised his hands before either Louie or Chief could say another thing. "But if I feel that there are none that are ready, then I have the right to leave without this obligation."

Louie and Chief exchanged a look, then looked at Peyton.

"That sounds reasonable," Chief said.

Peyton nodded, the face of the man who lead ten people across five states staring back at them.

"Was there anything else you needed from me?" Peyton asked.

"No, Peyton, you're free to return to Storage," Louie said.

He nodded and slipped out of the office, both pairs of eyes following him. A heavy silence filled the space as Louie turned back to Chief.

"How do you think the Council will take the news and the requests?" Louie asked.

Chief didn't respond for a second, his brain weighing what he knew with the information he had received.

"I think the news will come as a surprise," he said. "We've been living the past twenty years believing that the human race was never going to out last this plague. But I think it will give them hope. Hope for the future of their families, their children. I have confidence that they will agree to the training of members, but the scouting party that is harder to determine.

"But if they do not agree with it, there is still other options. Mr. Jones has been more than helpful and so I do not wish to take more of his freedom, but I trust that if we asked him to return with the information we asked for, he would. He understands the importance of protecting those who can't defend themselves."

Louie nodded in agreement.

"Is there anything else you need Chief, before I go?"

Chief gave Louie a warm smile and she returned the look.

"You've just given me all I needed, thank you."

The smile still curving her lips, Louie turned and headed out.


The Cage was vibrating with a new kind of energy that day as the Council members settled into their chairs, filling the space with quiet murmurings. Ryland was at the entrance talking with Mr. Andrews, their gazes darting to Peyton who sat silently at the front of the group. Louie took her spot on the small platform, her eyes roaming over the crowd. Marc met her gaze and they exchanged a brief nod. When Louie's eyes drifted to Peyton, she found he was already looking at her, his eyes studying her, his face unreadable.

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