Chapter v

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December 4, 2016

The next morning I woke up at six am. Running towards the shower, I turned the shower on and started to let the hot water run. Getting in after stripping off all of my clothes, I could feel the hot steaming water fall down my back. It felt extremely good and I loved it.

Rini on the other hand was asleep on the couch with Tana. The two cuddled up made me realize what bond they had. Sighing, I began to wish I could stay at home with my daughter. Once out of the shower and dressed, I grabbed my purse and walked out. Leaving the apartment complex, I felt sad. The reason, a couple.

"I wish I could have that again..." I said quietly, as at this point I had been in my car, driving to the hotel.

I worked as a maid, and the uniform I was wearing wasn't one of those "sexy maid" costumes. It was a regular maids uniform. Brushing my blonde hair out of the way of my face, I looked down at the blue maids uniform I was wearing. Feeling upset, I plugged my phone into the auxiliary  Jack, and I started listening to Alanis Morissette's Thank You.

The song was special to me because got me through the rough times I had when I was pregnant with Rini, and even after having Rini it was still influential. Once getting to the hotel, I rushed into the lobby, and I soon began to run towards the elevator. The hotel manager smiled at me. Shocker, seeing as he's my boss and that he always looks somebody stuck something up his behind.

"Good Morning miss Rivendale." Mr. O'Connor said smiling a fake smile. I stopped and smiled.

"Good Morning sir, how are you?" I asked.

He told me how he was doing and once we were done with our small talk, I ran up to the elevator and started from the bottom. I was going to go get my cart with supplies and I smiled. Getting to the second floor I grabbed my cart with supplies and started cleaning up rooms. This process usually took about eight or nine hours. Depending on the day of course.

As I cleaned the rooms, my friend Serena Wilkerson came in and she started to talk to me. She was a petite woman with an hour glass figure, red curly hair, aquamarine coloured eyes, and always wore the most beautiful dress.

"So what are you going to do for the holidays?" She asked. I sighed.

"I honestly don't know. One of my co workers, Nageen, is taking over my shift Christmas day." I said as I looked at Serena.

"Well if I were you, I'd start husband hunting. You only have so much time." She jokes, and I rolled my eyes.

"Why does everybody think I need to shack up with someone" I asked and began to work on the bed.

"Because they don't want you staying a single mother forever," "that and they don't want you to be an old cat lady." Serena commented and we both laughed.

Once my day at work was over, Tana had Rini sitting on the couch watching some hallmark Christmas movie on the hallmark channel. I smiled and walked over to her. She smiled at me and I smiled at her. I looked at her with kind eyes and decided to ask her what she did today.

"So what did you and aunt Tana do?" I asked.

"I wrote a letter to santa claus!" she said smiling and I giggled.

"Wow! Could you tell me what you asked for." I asked. She just shook her head instead.

I then realized what it was. Oh boy... This was not going to end well.

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