Chapter xvii

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December 24, 2016

In the morning, I had gotten up really early and woke rini up to start getting her ready for school. As soon as I had hopped into the shower, I got an awful text message from my sister. Once I got out of the shower, I read it.

Tana: Mom's Lung Cancer is getting worse, they say she won't be able to make it throughout the night.

I dropped my phone and my eyes widened. I couldn't believe my mom and I were so distant, and now here she was. Slowly, but surely, she had been dying, and the saddest part was that she wasn't well on Christmas eve either. Rini soon came into the room, as I had now been dressed.

"Is everything alright momma?" She asked. I shook my head and hugged her.

"Grandma isn't feeling too good, so we're gonna go see her." I said sadly. She nodded, and I called Rini's school. Informing them of the situation.

Rini soon went to go and take a bath. I sat in the living room, my hands shaking as I tried to dial Sean's number on my phone. First I quit my job, and now my mother is going to die soon due to lung cancer?! Why was it so hard?

I couldn't understand life anymore. I thought we were supposed to be happy, but I guess all life really is a messed up disaster. When Rini was done, and dressed, I grabbed her and my pair of keys. Calling Sean just as soon as I had gotten Rini into her car seat, I started to cry again. Whilst on the phone, I started my car and drove off to the hospital to see my mom.

In a moments time, we'd gotten to the hospital. I rushed in with rini in my arms, and we went to go see my mother. Rushing into her room, I looked over at Tana. Dad wasn't there, and he was always with mom. Tana looked at me and Rini.

"Michelle.." My mother said weakly, and I walked over to her with a sad smile on my face. Tears now rolling down my cheeks.

"Yeah mom?" I said looking at her. She looked at me and sighed.

"I'm sorry for all of the trouble I put you through, I should have never kicked you out of the house." She said sadly. Tears now rolling down her cheeks.

"It's okay mom. I forgive you," I said and she smiled.

"Thank you sweetheart, and keep doing a good job..." "You're a great mom." She said, and her hand slipped out of mine.

There she lied, dead and cold on her hospital bed, and I cried and cried. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe the last words i said to my mother was i forgive you. No time to say goodbye, or I love you. Just an I forgive you.

It was something, but it wasn't how I wanted to say goodbye. At least not like this.

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